200周年記念博物館Bicentenary Museum

© Bicentenary Museum
In 2001 opened Bicentenary Museum is located behind the Casa Rosada (Pink House) beneath the present-day street level, in the precise spot where the Buenos Aires Fort and the Taylor Customs Office were situated2011年にブエノスアイレスにオープンした200周年記念博物館は、アルゼンチンの大統領府であるカサ・ロサーダ(通称「バラ色の家」)の後ろ、18世紀初頭にブエノスアイレス駐屯地とテイラー税関があった場所に位置している。
Bicentenary Museum
住所:50 Balcarce Street, Downtown, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4344 3802 / 4344 3805
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Mariko Uramoto in the early 18th century.
The building has approximately 5,000m2 and maintains the brick walls of the original building dating from 1855. Equipped with advanced technology, the museum aims at retelling the last 200 years of Argentinean history from the May Revolution in 1810 to the present day, with a suggestive display on the present Kirchner administration, which began in 2003, with Néstor Kirchner’s presidency.
For each period there are several historical objects and archaeological samples on display, as well as videos shown on huge screens and big plasma TV sets, interactive screens and photographs.
Among the highlights, it is worth mentioning the mural ‘Plastic Exercise’ by Mexican artist Siqueiros, from 1933; the painting by French-Argentinean artist, Numa Ayrinhac, in which Juan Domingo Peron and Evita are portrayed in full body and smiling; the Justicialista Gran Sport car, dating from 1954, as well as other old vehicles, which were used by national heroes as renowned as Hipólito Yrigoyen.
The section that tells the story of the Kirchners in power is overwhelmed by photographs of the couple, in addition, there is an armchair that has been used by both of them in the presidential office. There is also a running video that speaks of the progress brought about by the government since the beginning of the Kirchners’ terms of office.
Admission to the museum is free of charge and it is doubtless an interesting place to try to understand a bit more of what the disconcerting Argentine history is about.
Bicentenary Museum
Address: 50 Balcarce Street, Downtown, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 (Closed on Monday and Tuesday)
Tel: +54 11 4344 3802 / 4344 3805
Text and photo: Celeste Najt