抵当国立銀行National Mortage Bank

Photo: Celeste Najt
Downtown Buenos Aires is characterized by its narrow streets, usually populated by thousands of people who work in the area everydayブエノスアイレスのダウンタウンは、毎日多くのサラリーマンで溢れかえっている。その狭い通りに建つ特徴的な建物が抵当国立銀行だ。昔のロンドン銀行であり、建築家のクロリンド・テスタによって設計されたものである。
Banco Hipotecario Nacional (National Mortage Bank)
住所:101 Calle Reconquista, Downtown, Buenos Aires
Text and photo: Celeste Najt
Translation: Kazunari Hongo. In number 100 Reconquista Street the present-day Banco Hipotecario Nacional (National Mortgage Bank) — ex-London Bank— is located; a unique piece of work produced by architect Clorindo Testa.
The building dates from 1960 and the concession for its construction was won after a bid. The winners were Testa group and S.E.P.R.A, a society created by architects Sanchez Elía, Peralta Ramos and Agostini.
The outside of the building is made of concrete, following a rationalist design. The broad geometrical holes in the outdoor walls are its hallmark. It inevitably reminds the onlooker of the National Library — also a work by Clorindo Testa — which is aesthetically quite similar to the building in Reconquista Street. Both are somewhere between a spatial and old-fashioned air and combine the natural colour of concrete with a bright light-blue shade.
In the 6-storey building there are offices decorated with furniture and armchairs that follow the aesthetic lines outside the Bank.
This impressive building is a must for downtown walkers, ideal to be visited in the weekend, when the area is really quiet. Its closeness to Puerto Madero and the Presidential Palace render a complete tour of the area indispensable.
Banco Hipotecario Nacional (National Mortage Bank)
Address: 101 Calle Reconquista, Downtown, Buenos Aires
Text and photo: Celeste Najt全国抵押银行 (National Mortage Bank)
地址:101 Calle Reconquista, Downtown, Buenos Aires