
アグアス・アルゼンチンAguas Argentinas

Photo by Celeste Najt

Photo by Celeste Najt

The block delimited by Córdoba Ave., Riobamba St., Viamonte St. and Ayacucho St. is a unique visual show. The impressive architectural monument dating from 1894通りによって区切られたブロックに、当時ブエノスアイレスの町に水を供給していたタンクを隠す目的で、1894年に印象的な建築物が建てられた。フランスルネッサンスの回想録には、様々な要素を取り入れた建築物の代表として取り上げられており、外観はベルギーやイギリスで作られたレンガや陶器などで覆われている。

Aguas Argentinas
住所:1950 Córdoba Av., Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4378 2400

Text and photo: Celeste Najt
Translation: Kazunari Hongo
was created with the aim of concealing from view the tanks that supplied the city of Buenos Aires with water. The so-called Obras Sanitarias de la Nación was the work of an English company: Bateman, Parsons& Bateman and the outdoor project was in the hands of Norwegian Olaf Boye, while Swedish engineer Carlos Nyströmer was construction director.

It could be said that it is a sample of eclectic architecture with reminiscences of the French Renaissance: the façades have been covered in over 130 thousand glazed bricks and 170 thousand pieces of pottery especially made for this building in Belgium and England. Inside, there are 12 metal tanks symmetrically located on three floors, in each of the four corners of the building and with a capacity of 72.000.000 litres potable water.

Different elements decorate the outside of the building: coats of arms in relief — of every Argentinean province and the Federal District —, iron and ochre supports — in the window beams — and ceilings made of green slate — from France.
The building is surrounded by small gardens and fences matching the impressive elegance of the rest of the complex.

Nowadays, a private sector company has its headquarters on the premises administered by Aguas Argentinas. On the first floor the Museo del Patrimonio (Heritage Museum), which was opened in 1996, is located. Antique taps and faucets, pieces of furniture, original English pieces of pottery and period advertisements can be found in this museum, as well as an archive of historical plans. There is a programme to visit the building and discover the elegance of this Buenos Aires oddity.

Aguas Argentinas
Address: 1950 Córdoba Av., Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 11 4378 2400

Text and photo: Celeste Najt
Aguas Argentinas
地址:1950 Córdoba Av., Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 4378 2400

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