
ニセト・クラブNiceto Club

© Niceto Club

© Niceto Club

For the nightlife in Buenos Aires music is indispensable. Especially for who thinks that the tango is good too but prefers much better listening to the rock musicブエノスアイレスのナイトライフに音楽は欠かせない。タンゴもいいけどやっぱりロックが聴きたい人や思いっきり踊りに行きたい人に是非訪れてほしいのが、パレルモ・ハリウッドにあるニセト・クラブ





Niceto Club
住所:Niceto Vega 5510, Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires
チケットオフィス:月〜金曜日 12:00〜18:00
TEL:+54 11 4779 9396

Text: Mami Goda
, we strongly recommend the Niceto Club, located in the Palermo Hollywood district.

You can enjoy the popular international music lives or soaking up the very local underground musics, as much as pop, rock, electro, hip hop, soul, funk and of course, latin music such as reggaeton, cumbia, and salsa. Niseto club has became one of the most popular spots of Buenos Aires since its foundation in 1998 among porteño people.

The club’s most famous and popular event is “Club 69” party which is a party held every Thursday from midnight. The Club 69’s frequent performers are breakdansing B boys, great DJ of house and techno music and transvestite visitors in thier radical fashion and costume. You can experience visually and aurally the total contemporary urban life in this surreal and psychedelic space. Entrance fee is 50 pesos (about 1,000 yen).

Every Friday night also is held the party named “Inversion”. Enjoy all genres of musics mixed by greats dj, some spectacles and sometime some multi-style urban art. Entrance fee is 30 pesos (about 700 yen).

Among the popular international artists who performed at Niceto Club, there are
Buddhasounds, Brazilian Girls, Kid Loco, Jazzanova, Benjamin Biolay, Max Romeo.

Niceto Club
Address: Niceto Vega 5510, Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires
Open: Club from midnight
Ticket Office: Mon-Fri, 12:00-18:00
Tel: +54 11 4779 9396

Text: Mami Goda

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