
オルケスタ・ティピカ・フェルナンデス・フィエロOrquesta Típica Fernández Fierro

© Orquesta Típica Fernández Fierro

© Orquesta Típica Fernández Fierro

Orquesta Típica Fernández Fierro is a Tango orchestra consisting of 12 young musicians. Although the term “Orquesta Típica” is basically applied to the traditional Argentine Tango orchestra formationオルケスタ・ティピカ・フェルナンデス・フィエロは、12人の若手ミュージシャンによって編成されるタンゴ楽団。アルゼンチンタンゴの基本的な楽団編成を示す“オルケスタ・ティピカ”を楽団名として使用している。しかし同時に彼らの奏でる音楽はいわゆるタンゴとは一味違うタンゴロック。それは“タンゴの歴史の中でもっともロック的であり、ロックの歴史の中でもっともタンゴ的”な音楽だ。



今まで、Envasado en Origen (2002年)、 Destrucción Masiva (2003年)、Vivo en Europa (2005年)、DVD Tango Antipánico (2005年) 、Mucha mierda (2006年)、Fernández Fierro (2008年) を発表。南米全土を初めヨーロッパでも人気が高く、定期的にヨーロッパツアーを行っている。


Club Atlético Fernández Fierro (CAFF)
住所:764 Sánchez de Bustamante, Abasto, Buenos Aires

Text: Mami Goda
, the music they play is not a typical Tango but rather a Tango Rock. Their music is “the most rock in Tango’s History, and the most Tango in Rock’s History”.

Most of the members are friends since music school days. Normally a Tango orchestra should be organized by a director and must be named after him. However Orquesta Típica Fernández Fierro has no director and the name “Fernandez Fierro” is a creature of fantasy. It is more a rock band in such a way that the young musicians create and play together their favorite music together.

The orchestra is currently formed by Federico Terranova (violin), Pablo Jivotovschii (violin), Bruno Giuntini (violin), Charly Pacine (viola), Alfredo Zuccarelli (violonchelo), Yuri Venturin (contrabass), El Ministro (bandoneon), Eugenio Soria (bandoneon), Pablo Gignoli (bandoneon), Julio Coviello (bandoneon), Santiago Bottiroli (piano) and Walter “Chino” Laborde (vocal).

Their discography starts in 2002 with Envasado en Origen and is followed by Destrucción Masiva (2003), Vivo en Europa (2005), Mucha mierda (2006) and Fernandez Fierro (2008). They also released the DVD “Tango Antipánico” (2005).

Orquesta Típica Fernández Fierro perform at their own club, the CAFF (Club Atlético Fernández Fierro), in the Abasto district. They develop other cultural activities and they also lend it to other artists’ events. Except during tours seasons, they hold a concert every Wednesday at the CAFF where national and international fans enjoy their music.

Club Atlético Fernández Fierro (CAFF)
Address: 764 Sánchez de Bustamante, Abasto, Buenos Aires

Text: Mami Goda
Club Atlético Fernández Fierro (CAFF)
地址:764 Sánchez de Bustamante, Abasto, Buenos Aires

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