
トミー&チェリーTOMI & CHERRY



TOMI & CHERRY is a creative team of a photographer TOMI and an illustrator, graphic designer and artist CHERRY, and they are based in Buenos Aires, Argentinaブエノスアイレスを拠点に活躍する「トミー&チェリー」は、フォトグラファーのトミーとイラストやグラフィックを手がけるアーティストのチェリーによるクリエイティブチーム。ファッションフォトなどのエディトリアルをメインに、様々な手法を取り入れ展開されるビジュアル世界はポップなカラーで溢れ、見るものをワクワクするような不思議な国へと誘うかのよう。これまでに見てきたものや感じてきたことがマジカルスパイスとなり、新たなイマジネーションから独自のワンダーランドを創造している。






「Los carritos de la costanera」も。これらの場所では「Bondiopan」とよばれるミートサンドイッチをストリートで食べるのがおいしいです。
La Giralda」ホットチョコレートとチュロスの定番。
Cabaña Las Lilas」高いけど最高のアルゼンチンBBQが食べられます。
クラブに行きたいなら「Niceto」「Cocoliche」がオススメ。散歩に行くなら「ジャパニーズ・ガーデン」「Parque Chas」が素晴らしい場所です。





. Focusing mainly on editorial works like fashion photography, TOMI & CHERRY explore their creation using diverse ways of techniques to somehow take us to a exciting and mystic visual world.

Please introduce yourself with your background.

TOMI & CHERRY are Tomás and Geraldine. Both of us were born at the very end of the 70’s in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We work in several fields combining our obsessions and abilities.
Cherry is an illustrator, graphic designer and artist and has been a professor of Morphology in the Graphic Design degree program at the University of Buenos Aires for 7 years.
Tomi started as a photographer 10 years ago and since then expanded his interests into contemporary art. He has been developing installations and performances with his group Rosa Chancho.
Tomi & Cherry’s body of work include artworks, art direction, portraiture, creating scenography’s and fashion and advertising photography. They focus on springing narrative stories up, sometimes they are lineal and explicit, sometimes tiny and covered.

Could you tell us about the city of Buenos Aires?

Buenos Aires is a big city. Around 15 million people live in the capital and the metropolitan area. A total mix of a pushing forward developing country with some kind of laziness floats above people’s minds, nonetheless mostly everybody is really warm and caring.
There is much to do and see here. Lot’s of museums, parks, bars and restaurants to visit and bands to go listen. Not only tango and football.

Could you share your favorite places (place to eat, to drink, to shop, to go for a walk, to club, etc) with the reason why you like.

Aahh.. ! eating… such a wonderful way to spend time!
Carlito’s is great (Av. Libertador y Gral. Paz).
Los carritos de la costanera. These are excellent places to eat a Bondiopan (meat sandwich) in the street.
La Giralda (a typical place to have hot chocolate and churros)
Guerrin (superb pizza in downtown)
Cabaña Las Lilas (an expensive place but one of the best to eat typical argentinian BBQ)
Olsen (Nordic food) is great both for drinking and eating.
To shop, the trendy Palermo Viejo Neighborhood gathers most of the independent and mainstream clothing brands. Lot’s of restaurants and bars also. Also you can find lots of second hand places to buy interesting clothes.
Niceto and Cocoliche are an great places for clubbing.
The Japanese Gardens and Parque Chas are amazing places to go for a walk.

How do you spend your free time in the city?

With friends. At the movies. Reading. Watching anime. Walking in the parks. Going to the riverside at La Costanera.

Could you tell us about the art scene in Buenos Aires?

Art Scene in Buenos Aires, as in many other places in the world, is divided between the mainstream galleries, museums and institutions and a whole lot of the artists constantly doing things outside this circuit. There are many many people doing things and generating bonds with other artists (check
Lots of things are going on in the art world in Buenos Aires. There is always an exhibition to go see.

A creative team of a photographer TOMI and an illustrator, graphic designer and artist CHERRY based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Their editorial and campaign works including NIKE, Sander Kleinenberg, Maria Lombardi, Catalogue, 90+10, etc.

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