
パーク・ハイアット・ブエノスアイレスPark Hyatt Buenos Aires

© Park Hyatt Buenos Aires

© Park Hyatt Buenos Aires

In the neighbourhood of Recoleta there is a surprising hotel: Duhau Palace – Park Hyatt. The key concept of this 5-star hotel is a historical building – the Palace, with its entrance on Alvear Aveレコレタ地区にある5つ星ホテル、パーク・ハイアット・ブエノスアイレス。パラシオ・ドゥオとも呼ばれるこのホテルの特徴は、アルベアル通りに面している歴史的な宮殿のパレス館と現代建築であるポサダス館(ポサダス通りに面していて、元の建築様式と完璧に調和するように建てられた)がともに存在しているという点だ。この印象的な設計は、フランス人建築家のレオン・ドゥージによって1934年に行われた。このホテルには伝統や品格があるだけでなく、今の時代に合った斬新さも兼ね備わっているのだ。








Park Hyatt Buenos Aires
住所:1661 Alvear Avenue, Recoleta, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 5171 1234

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Nakagawa
. – living together with a contemporary building – situated on Posadas Street and built in absolute harmony with the original architecture. The impressive enterprise was carried out in 1934 by French architect Leon Dourge. The hotel is imbued in the history of its own character and traditions and it is, at the same time, contemporary and avant-garde.

The majestic lobby of the Palace exhibits the famous painting “La Ronda” (photo), painted in 1993 by Argentine artist Guillermo Roux, It has been exhibited over a long period at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires. In this same room we can find a magnificent bronze sculpture called “Torso”, by the Spanish artist Guerrero Medina. Posada´s lobby is medium level high above the entrance and is integrated to the “Porte Cochère”. The interior and exterior space are blended smoothly through stone and marble. All public areas of Posadas Street building are decorated with travertine marble.

There are 165 rooms available to guests, out of which 39 are suites. The Palace has three floors with a total of 23 rooms, including 12 suites. These are decorated with antique and contemporary Persian carpets on wooden floorings; silk curtains, crystal chandeliers and original works of art.

In the building on Posadas Street there are 142 rooms and suites. Their interior decoration is ruled by natural fabrics in cream, beige and warm grey colour shades, contemporary furniture and black-and-white photographs of Buenos Aires. All of the rooms are equipped with broad working desks, digital phones and Wi-Fi, whereas the bathrooms are covered in Travertino marble.

The gastronomic offer includes two impeccable restaurants: the Duhau, which specializes in Argentine cuisine and pays homage to the classic and traditional recipes with grilled preparations. Its interior decoration is warm and intimate and there is room for 56 diners. The second restaurant is Gioia Restaurant & Terraces, which specializes in modern Italian cuisine. The space is broad, with high ceilings, and it extends outwards to the hotel terraces. It is ideal to enjoy the views of the garden and the Palace through its broad windows.

Another must of the Duhau Palace is its Wine Cellar, where the ‘Cheese Room’ is located, offering the best home-made Argentine cheeses. The tasting is usually accompanied by a selection of dried fruit, bread and home-made jams, ‘Pata Negra’ acorn-fed Iberian ham, and national ham specially cured for 14 months for the Hotel.

Last, but not least, the Oak bar surprises with its menu of malts, the most varied in the city – the best Scottish whiskeys and cognacs – a library, different luxurious rooms, a beautiful garden with a wide variety of bushes and delicate flower plants, swimming-pools and spa.

To all the luxury and comfort advantages of the Duhau-Hyatt, its strategic location should be added, as it allows the traveller to be close to the most important art centres of BA, in addition to the Recoleta parks and the shops on Santa Fe Avenue.

Park Hyatt Buenos Aires
Address: 1661 Alvear Avenue, Recoleta, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 11 5171 1234
Rooms: 165

Text: Celeste Najt

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