

© Pehache

© Pehache

Pehache is the Spanish term used to refer to the classical houses of horizontal architecture so characteristic of Buenos Aires. Sisters Mariana and Carolina Medina have chosen「ペハチェ」とは高いビル群とは対照的に水平に横並びになった古い建築物を指すスペイン語であり、アルゼンチンではいたるところで見られる。マリアナとカロリナのメディナ姉妹は自分たちのプロジェクトを発表する場としてそんな家を一軒選び、ペハチェと名づけた。この古民家は改装を経て今では様々な用途に使える場として活躍しており、ファッションアイテムを販売するスペースや、展示場、咲き乱れる花が美しい中庭などが併設されている。



住所:1418 Gurruchaga St., Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4832 4022

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine
a house like this to host their project and have decided to call it Pehache.

This old house has undergone alterations that have turned it into the multi-space it is nowadays. In Pehache you can buy items, visit an exhibition, or enjoy the flowery bright courtyard.

Sophistication, originality and modernity are the ingredients of the Pehache formula. The latest ideas invade the rooms and pervade in the objects on sale there, both decorative objects and fashion items. The natural lighting spreads all over the rooms reaching its climax in the delightful courtyard where it is possible to eat natural food or drink a fruit smoothie while enjoying the quietness of the space, a true oasis in the midst of the hustle and bustle so typical of the Palermo Soho area.

‘After a long research and several trips to the USA, Europe and Asia we came up with the idea of opening a store where people could walk around the different rooms of the house and find design products for each room, something that did not exist in Argentina until then,’ the Medina sisters say, and they seem to have a crystal clear idea of what their project is about. According to them, Pehache inspires the search for one’s own style by offering an eclectic assortment of classical and modern products.

Pehache is the perfect spot to have lunch or spend the afternoon walking around very-aesthetically-looked-after rooms.

Address: 1418 Gurruchaga St., Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 11:00-20:00 (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: +54 11 4832 4022

Text: Celeste Najt

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