

The featured brand Violraviol has become a strong ally of young Argentine women. Violraviol offers  heartwarming products to dress us up while doing housework and create happy spaces in our daily livesアルゼンチンの若い主婦たちの強い見方になっている今注目のブランド,ヴィオルラヴィオル。家に居ながらオシャレができる、自分のためのハッピーな空間作りを楽しみたい、そういう女性たちに、とっておきの物ばかりが集まっている。毎日の食卓、食材の買出し、料理など、今後もずっと付き合っていかなくてはならない家事をより楽しく、喜び溢れるものにしてしまう、魔法のようなブランド。




商品はブエノスアイレス市内では、「HANDMADE」、「MINHA VIDA」などで取扱いがある他、オンラインでオーダーが可能。

住所:El Salvador 5894, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
営業時間: 10:00〜19:00(日・月曜日定休)
TEL:+54 15 4079 0909

Text: Mami Goda
. It is a magical brand which makes aspects of home-life such as everyday eating, grocery shopping for ingredients, cooking, etc. turn into something full of joy.

Checkered or floral printed, geometric patterns or polka dots, all patterns are colorful and lovely, but sometimes also psychedelic or reminiscent of the sweet scent and light of Grandma’s old house in the past. Violraviol directs the enjoyment of everyday life in such a retro design.

Place mats with colorful patterns that intersect each other, dish towels with triple ruffles, and dress ruffled aprons and waist aprons, are some of the products that are just exciting. Violraviol’s original shopping carts are especially popular among all. The shopping cart usually known as grandma´s essential goods, has now become Argentine youth’s fasion item. Moreover, these color-rich shopping carts are foldable.

Enjoy the fashion of bare-boned essentials. Of course it’s suitable as a wedding or house warming gift, but also would be one way to enjoy making your own secret place in your ordinary space.
The products are handled at Handmade, Minha Vida and online.

Address: El Salvador 5894, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00 (Closed on Sunday and Monday)
Tel: +54 15 4079 0909

Text: Mami Goda

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