

© Pompavana

© Pompavana

Pompavana is a brand of underwear specialized in creative prints founded by two friends from Buenos Aires in 2010. To make their original panties, Belén Garat and Natalia Sturba「ポンパバナ」はクリエイティブなプリントによる下着ブランド。ブエノスアイレス在住の友人同士であるベレン・ガラットとナタリア・イストルバの二人組が2010年に立ち上げた。オリジナルの下着をつくるために、二人はプリントのデザインに中南米のアーティストたちを起用することを思いつき、こうしてポンパバナという、独特の美意識と心地よさが共存する新たなコンセプトの下着が誕生した。






Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Eri Tsuji
had the idea of summoning young Latin American artists to be in charge of designing the prints. This is how they made it to Pompavana, a new concept in underwear, where aesthetics and comfort go hand in hand.

The range of clothing items goes from traditional culottes and bikinis to the most daring option of thongs. Each collection has a different theme, in 2011, ‘Shamana’, is inspired in the connection with nature. The products of the brand are seamless panties that behave like a second skin, naturally adapting to the body lines and becoming imperceptible underneath clothes.

The clothing items are printed on both sides and the labels are also printed, to avoid discomfort to the touch with the skin. They are made of polyamide, elastane and cotton.

Belén and Natalia have attained high impact in the local and the international markets, since their items can be purchased in Argentina , Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Spain & Japan. Pompavana is doubtless an ideal recipe to feel great inside. To find out the closer place to acquire Pompavana, check their website.


Text: Celeste Najt

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