
© Kosiuko
There is a brand that has never stopped since the beginning of its career in the market: Kosiuko. Its mentors are Federico Bonomi and Cinthia Kern, a couple of adventurers in fashion, trips and good life, who launched KSK in 1992フェデリコ・ボノミとシンシア・ケルンはファッション、旅、そして充実した生活を深く追求し続けているカップル。そんな二人がコシウコを立ち上げたのは1992年。フェデリコの自宅でサスペンダーを作り始めたのがそもそもの始まりだという。次第にブランドの柱の一つであるデニムといった新たな素材を使うようになり、今ではアルゼンチンを代表するブランドの一つとなった。
Kosiuko Palermo
住所:4299 Córdoba Av., Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4866 3805
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine.
It all started at Federico’s place, by making suspenders, and little by little new garments have been incorporated: denim, until it became one of the most important brands in Argentina.
Basic clothes, such as jeans, shirts, or denim and leather jackets blend with items made of unique fabrics that the couple finds in their trips.
‘We are constantly travelling to different capital cities all over the world, we observe people a lot, and see how each one adapts trends, mixes offers. Inspiration is infinite. Nowadays the Internet is also a source of inspiration, now the world spins faster than it used to do before,’ Federico says.
Exploring a store of the brand becomes a safari plan where fabrics and prints surround the visitor. Although clothes for women are the main products of the brand, a strong proposal has been developed for the male public – ‘Herencia’ line: noble garments exclusive for men, classics that do not go out of fashion, with highly developed quality and style.
Kosiuko provides both classic and avant-garde or contemporary styles, but giving a priority to personal style, to the search for one’s true individual identity.
Kosiuko Palermo
Address: 4299 Córdoba Av., Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 11 4866 3805
Text: Celeste Najt
Kosiuko Palermo
地址: 4299 Córdoba Av., Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 4866 3805
Kosiuko Alto Palermo
地址: Store 1005, 1F, 3360 Arenales St., Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 5777 8279
Kosiuko Paseo Alcorta
地址: Store 1034, 1F, 3172 Salguero St., Palermo, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 4514 3300
Kosiuko Patio Bullrich
地址: Store 31, 750 Libertador Avenue, Retiro, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 4814 7440
Kosiuko Galerias Pacífico
地址: Store 328, 1F, 768 San Martin St. Downtown, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 5555 5328