



Eye-catch color combinations like red and white, pink and purple, green and blue, orange and yellow, geometric patterns such as circles and waves, natural patterns like apples, cherries and leaves赤に白、パープルにピンク、グリーンにブルー、オレンジに黄色、思いっきりの良い絶妙な組み合わせが目を惹く。さらに円や波型などの幾何学模様、りんごやさくらんぼ、葉などの自然模様、フクロウ、小鳥、そしてアルゼンチンらしいリャマの動物模様がくっきり鮮明にプリントされているのもインパクト抜群。



他にもアルゼンチンに生息するリャマやパタゴニアマーラ、サボテンをかたどった可愛いぬいぐるみは、柄と色の組み合わせのバリエーションが豊富に揃っている。また、同じく柄付けされた生地で製本されたノートブックやクッションも人気。 2010年にはアルゼンチンの若手アーティスト、イラナ・ドウアーとのコラボレーションでコレクションを発表した(写真)。


住所:Araoz 2490 6C, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 9 11 6802 1300

Text: Mami Goda
, animal forms as owls, birds and llamas (the Argentine typical animal), all KOM’s printed patterns make a crisp impact .

KOM uses only 100% cotton without bleach neither toxin which could harm the environment. KOM’s cotton is safe for the skin and the earth at the same time and the patterns are also all hand-printed. KOM’s products are as visually warm as tactually.

KOM is specialized in children’s clothing. For example, short sleeves, long sleeves and stroller cushions for babies up to 18 months, T-shirts and dresses for children from 2 years to 10 years, all KOM’s cute products are designed with colorful patterns. And contrasting neck and cuff color emphasize baby’s fashion style sense.

They also fabric mara, llamas and cactus shaped stuffed toys which offer rich variations of patterns and color combinations. Their line of notebook and cushion also made of hand-printed cottons are popular. In 2010, they collaborated with Irana Douer, Argentine young artist (image above).

All products can be ordered by mail. Their priducts can be purchased at Cou Cou, El Gato Con Bote, MALBA etc. in Buenos Aires.

Address: Araoz 2490 6C, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 9 11 6802 1300

Text: Mami Goda

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