エディター・マーケットEditor Market

© Javier Agustin Rojas
Downtown Buenos Aires is truly magical, and probably the most illustrative area of the city’s old days charm. I can bet this was one of the main reasons whyブエノスアイレスのダウンタウンは本当に不思議で、おそらくこの都市の古き良き時代の魅力が溢れるエリアであろう。それが、この区域に新しいデパート「エディター・マーケット」がオープンした理由のひとつだと賭けてもいい。エディターは、コリエンテス通りとサンマルティン通りにある1943年築の美しいビルに入居している。
Editor Market
住所:Avenida Corrientes 503, Dorrego 2133, Palermo, Buenos Aires
営業時間:10:00〜20:00 (日曜祝日は12:00〜)
TEL:+54 11 5256 2575
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Aya Shomura Editor Market, the new department store was settled in this area. Editor occupies a beautiful 1943’s rationalist building on Corrientes Avenue and San Martin Street.
Editor is the creation of Gabriel Brener, a young entrepreneur who is behind mayor Argentinian brands such as Maria Cher and A.Y. Not Dead.
Editor is a unique shopping experience with an iconic multi-category and trend setting offering. Presenting a dynamic retail space that is constantly moving and evolving. Editor is a dual-Channel project where the online and offline experience integrate innovation, design and technology. A unique and distinctive selection, curated by experts in each category: Ladies, Men, Apartment, Beauty, Kids, Hobbies, Coffee Shop and Take Away.
The most interesting fact about Editor is that there you will find a great selection of Argentinian talents: some examples can be the innovative brand Album –clothing for men and women- , the chic selection of Riviera, the amazing perfumes and candles by Fueguía brand and the refined and ethereal new interior design project of María Cher “Estudio Cher”.
The entire Editor project plan is to open between 3 and 6 more spaces along the city and the suburban area within a year. The second store is already open in Palermo, another Buenos Aires’s hipster hub. Each space will have between 1500 and 2000 sq meters and will continue challenging the market with good taste and innovation.
Worth a try to take a tour through Editor, you will fall in love easier than you think.
Editor Market
Address: Avenida Corrientes 503, Dorrego 2133, Palermo, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 20:00 (12:00-20:00 on Sunday and Holiday)
Tel: +54 11 5256 2575
Text: Celeste Najt