カルマ・チチャCalma Chicha

Futbolero Chicago © Calma Chicha
In the heart of Palermo, in the midst of the avalanche of modernization and change, there is a place that still offers national products par excellence and maintains the native Argentinean touch,パレルモの街並みが新しいものを求め、現代化だ、変化だ、と騒ぎ立てている中で、それを気にせずにアルゼンチンならではの商品を作り続けている「カルマ・チチャ」。ホンジュラスストリートに面した一見すると、広い倉庫のようなお店である。
Calma Chicha
住所:Honduras 4909, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 4831 1818
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Kazunari Hongo though it has been renovated according to the new Palermo atmosphere.
It is Calma Chicha. Whoever spots its broad shop window from the street is bound to go inside. A mixture of colours, shapes and materials live together in the wide warehouse of this shop in Honduras Street.
Founded in 1996 by Carla Bonifacio and Diego Olinik with the aim of providing both the local and foreign public with assorted items, textile novelties of their own brand and a few Argentinean classics saved from extinction — the Penguin jug made of china used to hold wine, the “Pulpo” rubber ball, the BKF chair, the tricycle, the go-cart and the racetrack for children.
The most interesting bargains offered at Calma Chicha are varied and complete: the simplicity of the bed linen, the extra-strong unisex aprons, the dishtowels; huge towel ponchos, springy carpets, transparent curtains for the bathroom; simple but strong bags made of leather and canvas; leather carpets, poufs and new sizes of cushions to equip the house with.
Every item on sale in Calma Chicha has been designed and manufactured by the owners, as opposed to what happens in almost every shop in the neighbourhood, where there is a fusion of designers on a par on display.
The most sold items are the carpets in different designs, colours and sizes (from 230 to 670USD), the leather in carpets, saddlebags, bags and cushions among others — generally acquired by the foreign public, those being typically Argentinean products.
The BKF chairs are another classic in Calma Chicha. Available in fun designs from upholstery in reversible and absolutely washable coloured canvas to upholstery made of leather, cowhide or even sole, as was the original. There are also different kinds of bases, which can be black, chromium-plated or folding model (as from 120USD)
The section of small objects is probably the funniest and most affordable in Calma Chicha, full of products of reduced usefulness, though quite decorative and appropriate as gift souvenirs — antique Argentinean postcards, cigarette lighters, mate straws in lively metallic colours, key rings, etc.
Calma Chicha is a place to buy out-of-the-ordinary items and traditional objects in their renovated versions, as well as providing a surprising visual tour based on an unusual avant-garde design selection that does not lose its authentic Argentinean touch.
Calma Chicha
Address: Honduras 4909, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 4831 1818
Text: Celeste NajtCalma Chicha
地址:Honduras 4909, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 4831 1818