
A.Y. ノット・デッドA.Y. Not Dead

© A.Y. Not Dead

© A.Y. Not Dead

A.Y. Not Dead is a creation by brothers Noel and Diego Romero that revolutionized the Argentinean concept of fashion when it was born in 2001. Inspired in rock, art and travellingA.Y.ノット・デッドはノエルとディエゴ・ロメロ兄弟によって2001年にスタートしたアルゼンチンのファッション概念に新たな革新を引き起こすブランド。ロック、アート、旅行から得た全てのインスピレーションを、彼らのコレクションのコンセプトとして反映させている。これがA.Y.ノット・デッドがアルゼンチンのスタイリッシュな若者の間で最も人気のブランドのひとつとなった理由だろう。彼らのコレクションはいつもアーティストやライター、ミュージシャンに向けて発信されている。





A.Y. Not Dead
住所:1637 Gurruchaga Street, Palermo, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4772 8993

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Ayano Yamada
, they have managed to imply all these concepts in their collections. This is how A.Y. Not Dead has become one of the favourite brands amongst stylish youngsters in the city. Their collections always refer to artists, writers or musicians.

‘In our collections there is a lot of content: rock, artists, cinema, men of letters, poets. We want teenagers to come into the shop and discover new things. Thus, we believe we are trend-makers,’ the Romero brothers say.

Their last collection is called ‘Flowers of Evil’ after the renowned title of Charles Baudelaire’s masterpiece. The collection plays with the implicit contradictions in the title of the book: ‘the flowers’ represent the most sublime feminine and fresh part of the collection, with more loose-fitting items, fabrics made of natural fibres and with denim in a central role, even in dresses and shirts.

‘Evil’, the other side of the collection, shows the most daring and rocker part of A.Y. Not Dead. The items here are tight-fitting; black becomes the protagonist, together with metal colour shades, such as metallic fuchsia, copper and silver. Several resources appear on the clothing items: studs, zips, etc.

Nowadays, the brand has 4 branches in Buenos Aires and it has recently opened its doors in Selfridges megastore in London, England.

If you are interested in a fashion trend that offers exoticism, elegance and avant-garde, it is likely that you will find A.Y. Not Dead pretty interesting.

A.Y. Not Dead
Address: 1637 Gurruchaga Street, Palermo, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 11 4772 8993

Text: Celeste Najt
A.Y. Not Dead
地址:1637 Gurruchaga Street, Palermo, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 4772 8993

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