
サイフォン&ドラゴンズSifones y Dragones



“An old friend testifies and recalls the experience of eating in Alexander Calder family’s kitchen, where as well as cooking and eating they listened to music「サイフォン&ドラゴンズ」を経営するフレイビオとマリアナの二人がこのレストランを開くきっかけとなったのは、彼らの古い友人であるアメリカの抽象彫刻家アレクサンダー・カルダーである。





Sifones y Dragones
住所:174 Ciudad de la Paz, Colegiales, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4413 9871

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine
, sang, and Calder made spontaneous sculptures with forks and other elements in the kitchen” — Flavio La Vitola, who is in charge of restaurant Sifones y Dragones (Syphons and Dragons) together with Mariana De Rosa, recalls. This artist was the trigger for Flavio and Mariana to open the place, with the idea of a kitchen where many things happened. “This is not a restaurant, it is a kitchen with tables,” they state.

Since 2001, Sifones y Dragones has functioned in headquarters opening onto the street in the Colegiales neighbourhood. A room populated by pop objects — antique syphons, shopping bags, signs with captions — that transmit a feeling close to being at home. The difference is in the food: author-cuisine with dishes from the Asian Southeast, with “punch flavours and surprises.” Sifones y Dragones recommends: Machazo loin, seasoned with Extremadura smoked paprika, with salami from Tandil and nuts; which is garnished with old bread tortilla (10USD); salmon marinated in soy, lemon, ginger, coriander, spring onions and mint with grilled vegetables (12USD) and potato gnocchi with rocket, blue cheese, hazel nuts and lima drops pesto sauce (9USD). For dessert lovers, the caipirinha lemon and passion fruit pie with lavender syrup (5USD) is a treat for the gods.

Sifones y Dragones is not in shortage of surprises, which are a pleasure for the owners themselves. Nowadays, for instance, they offer candy liquor made of a classical porteño candy (caramelo media hora) as a humorous and tasty complimentary gift.
The essence of Sifones y Dragones is vital and colourful, it is a space where having a meal becomes much more than that.

Sifones y Dragones
Address: 174 Ciudad de la Paz, Colegiales, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 11 4413 9871

Text: Celeste Najt
地址:174 Ciudad de la Paz, Colegiales, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 4413 9871

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