
© Sanbenito
In the neighbourhood of Belgrano there is a restaurant with an architectural design reminiscent of the 1940s, Sanbenito. The atmosphere there is modern, elegant and relaxedブエノスアイレスのベルグラーノ地区に、1940年代のデザインを思わせる建物のレストランがある。その名は「サンベニート」。モダンで、上品で、かつ心を和ませる店の雰囲気。ここで提供される料理は独創的ながらクラシック、しかも毎日通える味である。
Sanbenito Restaurante
住所:2136 Federico Lacroze Ave., Belgrano, Buenos Aires
営業時間:12:30〜16:30 / 20:00〜24:30(金・土曜日25:30まで)
TEL:+54 11 4771 1859
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Shiori Saito, whereas its gastronomy is original, classic and part of a daily routine, all at the same time.
The restaurant has been developed in two floors arranged into three areas: the comfortable and intimate first floor hall, which is ideal for business meals and private events; the ground floor hall, which is very bright during the day, with its huge windows and high ceilings; and the big backyard, which is heated and surrounded by plants, and represents an authentic urban getaway.
The contemporary international food offer is in the hands of Martin Arrieta and Maximo Togni, two renowned chefs with impressive careers. The menu includes very well-prepared classic dishes, such as smoked pork haunch Tagliatelle, duck confit, loin Wellington, home-made pasta, risotto, fish, lamb, or the special grilled meat matured in their own cold store.
Around 200 labels make up the wine list, in a careful selection that includes the whole national wine panorama. The bottles are stored in an underground-acclimatized wine cellar, which ensures the wines reach the tables in optimal conditions.
At Sanbenito the main goal seems to be making visitors comfortable – see for yourself.
Sanbenito Restaurante
Address: 2136 Federico Lacroze Ave., Belgrano, Buenos Aires
Open: 12:30-16:30 / 20:00-24:30 (Friday and Saturday till 25:30)
Tel: +54 11 4771 1859
Text: Celeste Najt