ピピ・ククPipí Cucú

© Pipí Cucú
If we combine French style with a bit of Porteῆo kitsch, the result is Pipí Cucú. This charming restaurant is located on Ciudad de la Paz Street – right next to General Paz Building, a true period architectural pieceフレンチスタイルとブエノスアイレスが出会ったらこうなる──。「ピピ・クク」は、まさにそんなレストランだ。店を経営するのは、食通のメンバー。かつてパレルモ・ソーホーにあったレストラン「エル・ディアマンテ」で働いていた人たちだ。ピピ・ククの他のメンバーには、以前美学生だったエクトール・バルデスや、社会心理学者のヴィオレッタ・トロッカがいる。
充実したメニューは、メインの「豚肩肉の炭火焼き 黒蜜とカイエンペッパー風味 スイートポテトのマッシュ添え」、ミニプレートの「クリスピー・シビレ」や「ルッコラとグリルトマトのサラダ(醤油と黒蜜のドレッシング)など食欲をそそるものばかり。デザートには、コーヒーか紅茶が付く。
Pipí Cucú
住所:557 Ciudad de la Paz Street, Colegiales, Buenos Aires
営業時間:12:00〜 (日曜定休)
TEL:+54 11 4551 9314
Text and photo: Celeste Najt
Translation: Chihiro Miyazaki.
The food offer is varied: succulent meals, such as charcoal-grilled pork shoulder with mashed sweet potatoes, sugar-cane honey and cayenne pepper; lighter dishes, such as crispy sweetbreads, rocket and grilled tomato salad with soy sauce and sugar-cane honey, and sweet specialties ideal to garnish a cup of coffee or tea.
The project belongs to a group of people who are into gastronomy and used to work at El Diamante, a restaurant that has now closed down, in the area of Palermo Soho.
The trademark of the project is Sergio de Loof, an eccentric-par-excellence Porteῆo artist who has managed to hit the mark of the Argentine Porteῆo under movement from the 80s until the mid 90s through the interior decoration and the idea of restaurants, discos, artistic events, etc. The rest of the team at Pipí Cucú are Héctor Valdez – an ex Fine Arts student – and Violeta Trocca – a social psychologist.
The location of the restaurant proves strategic: in the Colegiales neighbourhood where the beauty of low houses spreads, with the tree-lined streets of Palermo, but without the hustle and bustle of its many shops and passers-by. Pipí Cucú is ideal to spend an afternoon havi
ng a cup of tea on the sidewalk or to share an evening meal.
Pipí Cucú
Address: 557 Ciudad de la Paz Street, Colegiales, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 12:00- (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: +54 11 4551 9314
Text and photo: Celeste Najt
Pipí Cucú
地址:557 Ciudad de la Paz Street, Colegiales, Buenos Aires
开放时间:12:00- (星期日休息)
电话:+54 11 4551 9314