
パン・イ・テアトロPan y Teatro

Opened in 1988 as an artistic centre dedicated to theatre and the plastic arts, from 1991 onwards Pan y Teatro has been a place for special meals1988年にシアターやプラスティックアートに注力した芸術センターとしてオープンした「パン・イ・テアトロ」は、3年後、芸術的スピリットは持ったまま、レストランへと生まれ変わった。ボエドの近所に行くには外せないスポットで、エンパナダスやコーンペーストのパンプキンなどがおススメだ。全ての芸術作品は、レストランのオーナーであるマリンスのものだ。



Pan y Teatro
住所:4095 Las Casas, Boedo, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4922 0055

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Kazunari Hongo
, which has maintained that initial artistic spirit.It is necessary to go to the Boedo neighbourhood, out of the usual tourist circuit, in order to taste the empanadas (a kind of turn-over) from Mendoza (1USD), the stuffed pumpkin with flavoured corn paste (6USD), or the meat or lamb pastry, all of them artistic works by the Marins, a family from Mendoza who is responsible for Pan y Teatro restaurant.

The original idea was to realize a creative project in a house that would be characterized by the kind of meals: of family roots presented as an element linked to art.

The sources of inspiration for the types of meals are the family customs in Mendoza, with a Porteño touch and a few reminiscences of Naturist food.
In a quite pleasant and familiar atmosphere —the restaurant is always full of people — you can enjoy spaghetti with broccoli, shepherd’s pie, milanesa (breaded meat) Chipolla all washed down with the special Pan y Teatro wine — a Malbec/Cabernet bi-varietal (10USD).
You must try the special house candy — fig-leaf gourd, grape, quince, pumpkins in syrup — served with green cheese and nuts (5USD).

The space reflects the house experiences; the scenographic and plastic style is always present, which is so important to the family and from which the gastronomic environment stems.

Pan y Teatro is a Porteño classic, chosen by the people in the area as well as by theatre and art lovers. According to its owners, the premises still maintain some of its old market history, now surrounded by a huge bignonia with flowers living in the pavement.

Pan y Teatro
Address: 4095 Las Casas, Boedo, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 11 4922 0055

Text: Celeste Najt

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