
© Mamuschka
リオ・ネグロ州の都市バリローチェは、良質なチョコレートが食べれることで常に有名な都市。これまでに作られた中でも最高なのは、1989年7月1日に登場したチョコレートでマムシュカとして知られている。Bariloche, a city in the province of Rio Negro, has always been famous for having the best chocolate. However, the best chocolate of all made its appearance on July 1st 1989 and has from then on been known as Mamuschka.1993年アルゼンチン、ブエノスアイレスのベルグラノ近辺に1号店をオープン。店は小さく、全て木で作られ、そしてユニークな魅力を持ち合わせている。その中で42種類のチョコレート、30種類のボンボン、その他にたくさんのマトリョーシカ(アルゼンチンではマムシュカと呼ばれている)がある。
住所:2478 Sucre Street, Buenos Aires
Text: Celeste Najt In 1993 the brand opened its first branch in Buenos Aires, in the Belgrano neighbourhood.
The shop is small, completely made of wood, and it has a unique charm. In it, there are 42 different chocolate varieties, 30 different varieties of bonbons and a lot of Russian wooden dolls that go one inside another – Matrioshkas – better known in Argentina as Mamuschkas.
The chocolate in the shop is very refined, for it is creatively and carefully made. Tourists, chocolate lovers and those looking for a special gift are all regular visitors to the store.
The most popular chocolate flavours are Timbale, Tiramisu and Cherry bars. Truffles are the most frequently chosen among chocolates: Milk caramel timbale, Mamuschka Split and Swiss Cream.
The question is, Why Mamuschka? ‘In the same spirit that Mamuschkas were given as gifts in Russia, that is, a handcraft made with love and offering wishes of fertility and happiness to those receiving them, our chocolate wants to be a gift made with love,’ the owner of the Argentinean brand, Jorge Mazzaferro, replies.
Do not miss Mamuschka’s magic, because it works!
Address: 2478 Sucre Street, Buenos Aires
Text: Celeste NajtMamuschka
地址:2478 Sucre Street, Buenos Aires