リトラル・カーサ・デ・カルネスLitoral Casa de Carnes

© Litoral Casa de Carnes
The parrilla is a typical Argentine barbecue that is present and famous all throughout Buenos Aires. Litoral Casa de Carnes offers fresh beef from Argentina, but proposes an innovative line upアルゼンチンの定番であるパリーシャ(アルゼンチン・バーベキュー)レストランは、庶民的なものから観光客向きのもの、またモダンなものまで、ブエノスアイレスの至る所で食べることができる。リトラルもまた、アルゼンチンの新鮮な牛肉を扱うレストランであるが、ここでは定番のバーベキューとは異なる新感覚のメニューが並んでいる。
Litoral Casa de Carnes
住所:Costa Rica 4933, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4831 5508
Text: Mami Goda that is completely different from classic, local or tourist type parrilla’s.
The menu was prepared by Chef Neil McNeill. Everything the menu has to offer, including appetizers and desserts, has excellent taste and presentation, which is closely examined by the chef himself – it never stops amazing people! One of the attractions of Litoral Casa de Carnes is the fusion of Spanish cuisine and Argentine cuisine.
Pintxo, a typical appetizer from the Spanish Basque region, is one of the most popular items on the menu at Litoral Casa de Carnes. Pintxo is a small snack usually served in bars and similar to tapas or Italian bruschetta – a slice of bread with various toppings. One of the more popular main dishes is lamb, which is cooked slowly over 11 hours and accompanied with a potato puree. The beautiful handmade and delicate desserts are a must for anybody.
People are purely attracted to the sophisticated menus and their striking presentation that cannot be found in any other parrilla. The interior decorations and the lounge-like space at the entrance, complete with sofas, are in harmony with the modern cooking and overall atmosphere. This little gem is an affordable place where you can fully enjoy Argentine barbecue.
Litoral Casa de Carnes
Address: Costa Rica 4933, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
Openning hours: From 19:00 (Saturday noon and night)
Closed on Sunday
Tel: +54 11 4831 5508
Text: Mami Goda
Litoral Casa de Carnes
地址:Costa Rica 4933, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 4831 5508