
ラ・カヴァ・フフレLa Cava Jufré

La Cava Jufré

La Cava Jufré

Argentine wine is highly appreciated in recent days thanks to their affordable price and high quality in the world. In Argentina there is important wine regions which spread along the Andes such as Mendoza近年日本でも多く輸入されるようになり、手ごろな価格で美味しく飲めると人気の高いアルゼンチンワイン。アルゼンチンのアンデス山脈沿いのメンドーサ、サン・フアン、サルタやパタゴニアなどに豊富なワイン産地が広がり、マルベック、カベルネ・ソーヴィニョン、メルロー、トロンテスなどの質の高い品種を産出している。アルゼンチンに行ったら、是非その豊富なワインを色々と楽しんで欲しい。




La Cava Jufré
住所:Jufré 201, Villa Crespo, Buenos Aires
営業時間:11:00〜13:30 / 18:30〜24:00(月曜日は夜のみ営業)
TEL:+54 11 4775 7501

Text and photo: Mami Goda
, San Juan, Salta, etc. and also Patagonia, where are produced high-quality varieties like Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Torrontes, etc. If you go to Argentina, It’s strongly recommended to enjoy that rich variety of wine.

That’s why I’m entirely trying to introduce this winery La Cava Jufré which is located in Villa Crespo district in Buenos Aires.
This wine bar is composed of an underground wine storage and a ground floor wine bar space. Once you enter in the bar, you not only will be overwhelmed by wine bottles all over the wall but also feel a meticulous attention of the director Lito on each aesthetical detail of the interior. The brick walls and the wooden tables emphasize the warmth of this intimate space.

Even if you are not a connoisseur of wine, It is enough you consult near Lito who will very friendly help your selection and recommend exactly what you expected. Good to order wine by the glass, but also good to order by bottle with several people. You will be satisfied by that wine selection which is already examined by the professional. 30 pesos a bottle, you could enjoy mellow wine of color ruby. Please do not forget that a la carte dishes are also closely selected to match with wine.

One of the others charms from La Cava Jufré is the music. Acoustic music makes the space more warm and soothing. Heal your body and mind while drinking wine. Many become repeat customers. It’s possible to take out wine. Each time you go back La Cava Jufré and taste a new wine, as surprised and satisfied and every time become a more fan of this bar. For people who want to learn more about wine, the bar holds continually wine courses.

La Cava Jufré
Address: Jufré 201, Villa Crespo, Buenos Aires
Open Hours: 11:00-13:30 / 18:30-24:00 (Monday 18:30-24:00 only)
Closed on Sunday
Tel: +54 11 4775 7501

Text and photo: Mami Goda

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