There are plentiful gastronomic offers in the area of Palermo. However, there are few restaurants appealing to true organic philosophy. Kensho seems to take the idea of a healthy mind in a healthy body seriouslyパレルモ地区には美味しい料理を提供する店は山ほどあるが、本物のオーガニックにこだわった店は数少ない。「ケンショー」は、健康な心は健康な身体に宿る、というコンセプトそのままに、シェフであるマキシモ・カブレラの手によって美味しく健康的な料理を日々提供している。
住所:5783 El Salvador, Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4778 0655
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine. Its chef, Máximo Cabrera, makes healthy gourmet food.
The menu at Kensho follows the raw food trend and the kitchen of the 5 elements (Earth, Water, Metal, Wood, Fire), which takes into account the five Chinese movements of energy that blend the seasons, the food, and the organs that correspond to each moment of the year. Every dish is made out of live ingredients cooked at a temperature below 47°C. Avoiding high temperatures, the enzymes in the food remain intact. The techniques used to attain these dishes are dehydration, vacuum or sprouting, which either maintain or enhance the properties of the food.
Although it all sounds pretty complex and mathematical, the dishes have ingredients that arouse curiosity while leaving a clear conscience due to their benefits: Dip Triplet (nut pâté, black bean guacamole and carrot foam), Mushroom Ceviche, Corn Baseboard (smoked tomatoes mousse, organic cheese and a mixture of sour-hot mushrooms) Pumpkin Crumble (goat cheese and grilled oyster mushrooms), Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate (Brownie, chocolate and almond ganache and chocolate and tapioca ice-cream) are but a few options in the menu.
Kensho also offers food classes for the curious ones, more information is available on their blog.
In order to feel well and experience a different proposal, Kensho seems to be the right place.
Address: 5783 El Salvador, Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: Noon and night, Sundays only at noon
Closed on Monday
Tel: +54 11 4778 0655
Text: Celeste Najt