
フロレリア・アトランティコFlorería Atlántico

© Florería Atlántico

© Florería Atlántico

Florería Atlántico is a brand new idea in the history of Argentine stores. Faithful to the typical culture in their beloved Buenos Aires, Tato Giovannoni – one of the best experts of local cocktail bartendingフロレリア・アトランティコはアルゼンチンの歴史に旋風を巻き起こした。ブエノスアイレスの文化をこよなく愛するバーテンダースペシャリストであるタト・ジョバンノーニ、若き美食実業家でありバー「Ocho7ochO」の創設者でもあるジュリアン・ディアズによりオープン。花、レコード、ドリンク、グリル料理とブエノスアイレス独特の雰囲気と彼らの人生の全ての要素をこの空間にまとめている。2人は店の地下に、かつてスペインの植民地だった頃の時代をイメージしたバーを作った。



Florería Atlántico
住所:Arroyo 872, Retiro, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4313 6093

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Momoko Maehana
– and the young gastronomic entrepreneur Julián Díaz – creator of bar Ocho7ochO – opened this space incorporating everything that, to them, is elementary in life: flowers, records, drinks, grilled food and Porteño atmosphere. Tato and Julián got their inspiration from the immigrant bars at the turn of the century, which were located in this area of the city and they have tried to reproduce that atmosphere in the basement of Florería Atlántico.

From the street, one spots a store that seems to be an elegant flower shop, which surprisingly, also sells wines and vinyl records. On entering the place, the visitor discovers the possibility of accessing a basement where the bar mentioned above is located. The interior decoration is unique and it includes an impressive counter and a cast iron grill on display, which dates from the 1940s.

Everything one eats at Florería Atlántico comes from there, thus allowing the barbecue fantasy that Argentina has known how to reap internationally to come true and adding an avant-garde touch, since one can taste exquisite dishes, such as ‘baby octopus with coal trace’, ‘catch with a taste of smoke’ or duck magret. Also a special system for the smoke not to ruin the visitors’ evening. As regards drinks, variety and innovation go hand in hand. One of the home recommendations is Prince of the Apostles, dry Cinzano, Atlantic ocean water, and a dash of smoked malt in a cocktail glass decorated with orange skin.

Visiting Florería Atlántico is definitely a party. It is a tour around and idea of what Buenos Aires was like in past times, carried out in a wholly contemporary manner.

Florería Atlántico
Address: Arroyo 872, Retiro, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 3:00 (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: +54 11 4313 6093

Text: Celeste Najt


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