
クッチーナ・パラディソCucina Paradiso

© Cucina Paradiso

© Cucina Paradiso

Italian food is the second specialty in the Argentinean gastronomy world. There is a new enchanted place, perfect to be enchanted by the italian food of Buenos Aires: Cucina Paradisoアルゼンチンの食通の間ではイタリア料理は2番目に人気が高い。クッチーナ・パラディソはブエノスアイレスでイタリア料理を楽しむには最適の最新スポットだ

オーナー兼シェフはローカル料理チャンネルの料理番組で知られるドナート・デ・ サンティス氏。感覚が刺激されるであろうパレルモ・ハリウッド地区の静かな通り、アレヴァロ通りに隠れ家の様に店を構えている。




Cucina Paradiso
住所:1538 Arévalo St., Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4770 9406

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Meiko Maruyama

Owner and chef is the renowed Donato De Santis, well known for his TV shows at the local gourmet channel. Cucina Paradiso is almost a hidden place located on the quiet Arevalo street, Palermo Hollywood area, where all your senses will probably be shocked.

“Cucina Paradiso was not an idea; it was the path followed by a dream that matured along 10 years of sacrifice and continuous messages conveyed to a specific audience. Then, this sensitive audience was provided with the opportunity to find again the flavours and scents of yesteryear in a relaxed and familiar atmosphere”. – Explains Donato.

At Cucina Paradiso there is not only an incredible menu which includes salads, paninis,
pasta, and rarities such as rabbit, but also they serve a great variety of italian products to take away: olive oils, cheese, wines, liquors, bread, etc.

Cucina paradiso is worth to be visited, because of the emotions that the natural magic in the premises gives away and because visiting Cucina Paradiso automatically transports you to those places lost in the taste memory.

Cucina Paradiso
Address: 1538 Arévalo St., Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 9:00 – 20:00 (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: +54 11 4770 9406

Text: Celeste Najt

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