
カーサ・クルスCasa Cruz

© Marcelo Setton para Casa Cruz

© Marcelo Setton para Casa Cruz

Palermo is booming with places to eat. However, as regards style, there is a one-of-a-kind restaurant: Casa Cruz. Elegance, refinement and modernity are but a few of the adjectives that can be attributed to the successful projectいまパレルモでは次々と飲食店が出店されている。しかし、こと贅沢さに関しては、他には類を見ない店がある。カーサ・クルスだ。上品、洗練、モダンという形容詞だけではシェフ、ジェルマン・マルティテギ氏の華々しい店を言い表すのは難しい。





Casa Cruz
住所:1658 Uriarte Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
営業時間:20:30〜 (月曜定休)
TEL:+54 11 4833 1112

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Kazuyuki Yoshimura
of Chef Germán Martitegui.

On Uriarte Street a golden door calls the attention of passers-by, arousing their interest. Once inside Casa Cruz the dim lighting, the red interior decoration, an egg-shaped counter, and the velvet armchairs give a strong, pleasant first impression.

The dining-room is broad, carpeted in animal print, and black velvet chairs surround the tables. In the rear, an impressive floor-to-ceiling glazed wine cellar contains 1700 bottles of the best wines in the country.

This stimulation of the diners’ senses is completed by a daring menu designed by Martitegui, who has a long trajectory in the gastronomic field. Eccentric ingredients are combined in a strategic way, and, as a result, there are seven choices for starters, ten main dishes – ranging from black hake to oysters, spider crab, lamb and duck, loin and sweetbreads – and six options for dessert.

Casa Cruz has been open to the public since 2005, during which it has maintained an exemplary gastronomic level. It is convenient to book in advance given the long list of loyal customers and constant new visitors attracted to the restaurant.

Casa Cruz
Address: 1658 Uriarte Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 20:30 to the close. (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: +54 11 4833 1112

Text: Celeste Najt

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