バー・バー・オーBar Bar O

Photos: Lorena Paolillo © Bar Bar O
Bar O was located at 874 Reconquista Street premises by the plastic artists who make up ‘Nueva Figuración’ group – Luis Felipe Noé, Ernesto Deira, Rómulo Macció and Jorge de la VegaBAR O(バー・オー)は、1969年に、当時のニュー・フィギュレーション運動(ムーブメント)の中心的存在であった、アーネスト・デイラ、ロムロ・マシオ、ジョージ・デ・ラ・ベガなどのアーチスト達によってレコンキスタ通りにオープン。70年代後半に現在のトレス・サルヘントス通りに移転し現在まで営業し続けている。
Bar Bar O
住所:415 Tres Sargentos Street, Downtown, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4311 6856
Text: Celeste Najt, opened in 1969. In the late 1970s the bar was moved to the premises where it is located nowadays – 415 Tres Sargentos Street.
These artists with admirable careers intervened the bar creating a key space in the Argentinean culture of the 70s. Bar O became the symbol for a whole generation and it is nowadays famous for being the first pub in Buenos Aires.
The glass panes in the façade have been painted by Jorge de la Vega: white and black faces with the hallmark of this architect, painter, lyricist and singer of the urban landscape.
Nowadays, you can visit the bar and still experience what its essence used to be like, while you enjoy a good meal, cold cuts and gourmet cuisine, in addition to live shows.
Bar Bar O
Address: 415 Tres Sargentos Street, Downtown, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 11 4311 6856
Text: Celeste NajtBar Bar O
地址:415 Tres Sargentos Street, Downtown, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 4311 6856