アンタレス・バーAntares Bar

© Antares
Both in Palermo and in the city of Mar del Plata there is a unique bar: Antares. It has been named after the most brilliant star in the constellation of Scorpio, which for ages was used by sailorsパレルモとマル・デル・プラタに店舗を構える「アンタレス・バー」。店の名前の由来はさそり座の首星であるアンタレスであり、この星は長年、船乗り達に目的地までの目印として使われてきた。
ビールを使わないものでは、ニシンのマリネや詰め物入りマッシュルーム、ムール貝のグラタン、豚肉や海老を使った肉団子、さらに定番のチーズや冷肉盛り合わせ、タパスなど様々な料理が揃っている。 また、ビールを隠し味に使ったデザートも用意されている。
Antares Bar
住所:1447 Armenia Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4833 9611
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine on the high sea as a guide to their destinations.
The founders of this bar are Leonardo Ferrari, Pablo and Mariana Rodriguez. They discovered their passion for home brewing by following the lead of a Californian man in a trip they made to California in the 90s. Thus, several years later, they opened their first bar in Mar del Plata.
Nowadays, they offer high quality craft beer and ideal dishes to go with it – some featuring beer as an ingredient. Some examples are Porter filet steak – seasoned with Porter, a classic English-style beer with the taste of toasted malt, chocolate, chestnuts and brown sugar – and the Honey Beer veal skewers – Antares Honey Beer, soft, dry and refreshing, with sublime honey touches in its smell and its taste.
Among the dishes without beer, the offer ranges from marinated herring, stuffed mushrooms, mussels au gratin, pork and shrimp meatballs to the classic cheese and cold cuts trays or tapas.
There is also hidden beer in desserts, like apple strudel or chocolate volcano with Imperial Stout – a very dark beer, with an intense roasted flavour blending sweet smells of tobacco and raisins. The Palermo Soho bar is nice and broad, ideal to enjoy these unique beers.
Antares Bar
Address: 1447 Armenia Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: From 18:00 to the closure
Tel: +54 11 4833 9611
Text: Celeste Najt安塔尔酒吧
地址:1447 Armenia Street, Palermo Soho, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 4833 9611