
© Andeluna
Tupungato which means “Star Observatory” in the local native language (Huarpe) is a valley at the foot of the Andes, located at 1300m altitude with a breathtaking 360 degree mountain panoramic viewアルゼンチン北部のインディオ達のウワルペ語で「星を見渡す場所」を意味するトゥプンガトは標高1,300m、アンデス山脈の麓に位置し、ほぼ360度山に囲まれた谷型の平地。冬に厳しい寒さを迎えるが夏は日中は暑く夜は涼しい、また年間を通して昼間は日が差し、乾燥した気候はワイン生産に最も適している。雨の降らない水不足の時期さえも熟したブドウを収穫するのに丁度よいのだ。国道89号沿いには多くのボデガが隣接し、ワイン畑が永遠と続く。
住所:Ruta Provincial 89 s/n. 11 Gualtallary, Tupungato, Mendoza, Argentina
TEL:+54 2622 423 226
Text: Mami Goda.
Winters are very cold and the summer days are warm with cool nights. The dry climate favors the production of wine, while the dry season makes it ideal for harvesting the ripe grapes. Along ruta 89, (provincial road 89) there are a lot of important wineries, providing a landscape of eternal vineyards.
Bodega Andeluna is relatively a new winery, founded in 2003. They have 4500 m2 of vineyards and tanks which can contain 1 million liters of wine, a total of 1200 barrels. The grapes are carefully selected and examined every day, then harvested by hand. Their winery guide service circulates from the vineyards to the caved cellar in the company of a very experienced connoisseur.
Their very square, very strong brick hotel creates a sense of presence located right in the middle of the natural surrounds of the vineyards. You should not miss the opportunity to enjoy the lunch course menu in their restaurant, characterized by its charming open kitchen. Relax and devour their very tasty dishes with five different wines while overlooking the expansive vineyards and the uninterrupted views of the towering Andes Mountains backdrop. They offer local trout, homemade breads and fresh pasta using provenance they fully prepare using only the finest seasonal ingredients, coupled with intimate and heartfelt hospitality. If you visit during the summer we strongly recommended you book a terrace space.
Address: Ruta Provincial 89 s/n. 11 Gualtallary, Tupungato, Mendoza, Argentina
Open: 10:00-17:00 (Restaurant closed on Sunday)
Tel: +54 2622 423 226
Text: Mami Goda