シュル・ソラル美術館Xul Solar Museum

Almi Palace, Xul Solar, 1932 © Foundation Pan Klub - Xul Solar Museum. All rights reserved.
Alejandro Xul Solar is one of the main icons of the artistic avant garde in Latin America. What is special about his work is the integration of concepts so wide apart as astrologyアレハンドロ・シュル・ソラルはラテンアメリカにおける前衛芸術を象徴する人物の一人であり、画家、彫刻家、作家、さらには独自の人工言語を創り出すなど様々な顔を持っていた。彼の作品の特徴は、様々な観念を融合させた部分にあると言え、その範囲は占星術、易教、哲学、古代東洋やインド、コロンブス以前の世界に存在していた宗教や信仰、さらには神知学、人知学など実に多岐に渡っている。
Xul Solar Museum
住所:1212 Laprida Street, Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
時間:火〜金曜 12:00〜19:30, 土曜 12:00〜19:00
入館料:$10, 学生 $4
TEL:+54 11 4824 3302
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine, the Cabala, the I-Ching, philosophy, different religions and the beliefs of the Ancient Eastern World, India and the pre-Columbian world, as well as theosophy and anthroposophy, among many other branches of knowledge.
A friend of the late J.L. Borges, who contributed from the very beginning to make his work well-known while Xul contributed to Borges’ projects by illustrating his books and other publications.
The artist lived in a house in the Palermo area, and it is there where nowadays the museum inhabited by his works is located. It was designed by architect Pablo T Beitía, starting from the plans, associations and pictures taken from the artistic production of Xul’s work. Thus, the different levels and dividing walls arrange big and small rooms, which alternate, turning the space into a kind of labyrinth in which the works by this key artist in the history of Argentinean art are displayed.
The Museum Collection has pieces dating from 1910 to 1962, which encourages visitors to observe the evolution and transformation of Xul Solar’s particular style. In addition, an interesting bibliography of the artist is available to the public, thus allowing visitors to knowledgeably go into the permanent exhibition in the museum.
Xul Solar Museum
Address: 1212 Laprida Street, Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: Tue-Fri 12:00-19:30, Sat 12:00-19:00
Admission : $10, University students, seniors and children (residents) $4
Tel: +54 11 4824 3302
Text: Celeste NajtXul Solar博物馆
地址:1212 Laprida Street, Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
时间:星期日至星期五12:00-19:30, 星期六12:00-19:00
承认:$10, 学生 $4
电话:+54 11 4824 3302