ターボ・ギャラリーTurbo Gallery

Doma Art Installation. (c) Turbo Gallery. 2008
2008年、ターボ・ギャラリーはドマ・グループのプロジェクトとしてオープン。ドマ・グループは10年前に生まれIn mid-2008 Turbo, a project launched by Doma group, was opened.
This group of artists/designers/creators/video artists was born ten years ago and is made up of four members.、アーティスト、デザイナー、クリエイター、ビデオアーティストの4人から成り立っている。グループには以前スタジオがあり、グループメンバーや他の人による作品がそこを訪問する友人に注目されることとなった。この現象がドマ・グループにスペースを一般市民に開放する事を考えさせ、ターボ・ギャラリーが生まれたのである。ターボ・ギャラリーは奇妙な面白い場所であり、ブエノスアイレスへ訪れる観光客に好まれるだろう。展覧会開催の他、シルクスクリーンプリント、人形、服、音楽等を販売する非常に魅力的なショップもある。
Turbo Gallery
住所:5827 Costa Rica Street, Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires
時間:水〜金 16:00〜20:00/土曜 16:00〜21:00
TEL:+54 4776 8762
Text: Celeste Najt
The Doma used to have a studio-headquarters, which was visited by their friends and acquaintances who were amazed whenever they saw the group’s and others’ creations. This phenomenon led the group to think about having a space open to the public, where not only their friends could experiment the elixir of contemplating their imagery. That is how Turbo was born. When asked which have been their sources of inspiration for their creation, they reply, ‘our first exhibition was kind of the reflection of that, an installation inspired on ourselves throughout these ten years, four children controlling a beast that is impossible to control.’ That exhibition has been followed by many others, the most highlighted ones being a group exhibition of a lot of artists with plenty of small format pieces completely covering the walls, thus creating a huge collage, and another one by French artist Shoboshobo, who virtually assisted the opening night via the Internet in a rock performance.
Turbo is a rather curious and interesting place for every tourist in Buenos Aires.
In addition to the possibility of visiting exhibitions, there is a very attractive shop where silk screen prints, dolls, clothing items and music can be bought.
Turbo Gallery
Address: 5827 Costa Rica Street, Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires
Open: Wed-Fri 16:00-20:00 / Sat 16:00-21:00
Tel: +54 4776 8762
Text: Celeste Najt涡轮画廊
地址:5827 Costa Rica Street, Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 4776 8762