
パペレラ・パレルモPapelera Palermo

© Papelera Palermo

© Papelera Palermo

Papelera Palermo is a stationerary shop, located in the Palermo district in Buenos Aires, near Plaza Serrano. The shop has been constructed by refurbishing the original house with a garden in order to create a fusion of Craftwork and Artパペレラ・パレルモは、工芸とアートを新たに合体させるべく、1994年にブエノスアイレスのパレルモ地区、若者が集まるセラーノ広場の傍の庭付きの旧邸宅を改装し立てられた紙専門の文具店。開店当時から今日に至るまで、パペレラ・パレルモが発表する多色多様の紙を使った様々なプロダクトは、デザインがとても斬新。


カーサ・デ・オフィシオス(Cabrera 5227)では、誰もが参加可能なアトリエも定期的に開催されている。参加者は、実際に紙を作り、紙に描いたり、書いたりすることで紙を自由にデザインする。物を制作するための素材であり、且つ最終的な作品の姿そのものになる紙との直接的な体験は、普段あまり知られることのない紙制作の技術を身近に感じさせてくれる。また、カリグラフィーや墨絵、折り紙といったクラスも準備され、紙を通して他国文化を知る機会にもなっている。


Papelera Palermo
住所:Honduras 4945, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires
営業時間: 10:00〜20:00(日・祝日14:00から)
TEL:+54 11 4833 3081/3672

Text: Mami Goda
. Since the foundation, Papelera Palermo never stops fascinating people by a wide variety of papers and their original design products.

Their creations include paper-making, the design process by typographic and serigraphic printing, and production of office supplies. They also founded a studio “Casa de Oficios” (Cabrera 5227) to conserve the mastery of printing and spread it. In the studio, they learn paper-making techniques with Dutch pressers, as well as serigraphic and typographic printing techniques and the bookbinding.

Casa de Oficios also constantly offers some ateliers opened to the public. Participants learn how to make papers by themselves, make a design of paper by painting or writing. The paper is not only a medium of creation but also what gives the final aspect to the works. The direct experience with paper makes them feel familiar with the rare paper-making technique. Furthermore, the Casa de Oficios provides experimental opportunities to know different cultures such as calligraphy, ink painting and origami.

Once you enter inside the shop, you are impressed by the warmth of the paper texture, the diverse colors and many designs scattered throughout the whole shop space. The time flies by while you pick up each product to take a look at it because you feel as if you were looking at art and appreciating it. You are totally captivated by the optimistic ambience of the space and the charm of thei paper products.

Papelera Palermo
Address: Honduras 4945, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires
Open Hours: 10:00 – 20:00 (Sunday and Holidays from 14:00)
Tel: +54 11 4833 3081/3672

Text: Mami Goda
地址:Honduras 4945, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires
时间: 10:00-20:00(星期日・祝日从14:00)
电话:+54 11 4833 3081/3672


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