
パン・リブロスPan Libros

© Pan Libros

© Pan Libros

There are a few special places in Buenos Aires where enjoyment seems possible. Pan libros is a new space in the neighbourhood of Belgrano where the usual concept of a bookshopベルグラーノ地区に新しく誕生した本屋「パン・リブロス」。ここでは、既存の本屋の概念に加え、選び抜かれた美術書や写真集、小説、ファンジンを取り揃えている


ここには、林央子氏の自費出版雑誌「here and there」、チューリッヒ発の雑誌「der:die:das」、ファンジン収集家であるティール・トリッグス氏のコレクションが多数掲載された「ファンジン」(テームズ・アンド・ハドソン社)、カナダの詩人レナード・コーエンの「詩選集 1956-1968」の1968年初版などの魅力的な作品が並んでいる。


Pan Libros
住所:2576 Echeverría st., Store 16, Belgrano, Buenos Aires

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine
has been adapted in order to create a space where there are also books, but select and delightful.

David Leda, who was once a member of Cobra, is in charge of the edition of the material that has been carefully spread on the shelves of Pan libros. ‘The bookstore has to be a space in which to get acquainted with the book as an object, with its edition details, its format, its history. Thus, at Pan there are no shelves with alphabetically-organized or genre-sorted books; there are only displays where each book has been individually placed, with its cover on display, which makes it easier for people to grab them and browse through them,’ David explains.

A few examples of the attractive material available are: Here & There Magazine– edited by Nakako Hayashi- Der:Die:Das Berlin magazine, ‘Fanzines’ by Teal Triggs – Thames & Hudson-, Leonard Cohen. Selected Poems 1956-1968 (1968, first edition).

The idea behind this small charming place is to promote a physical space where contacting people can be more real than doing so through the social networks in the Internet. Therefore, reading-aloud sessions, intimate concerts and art exhibitions will be held. Certainly worth visiting.

Pan Libros
Address: 2576 Echeverría st., Store 16, Belgrano, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 11:00-20:00
Closed on Sunday and Monday

Text: Celeste Najt

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