
パレ・ド・グラスPalais de Glace

© Palais de Glace

© Palais de Glace

The Palais de Glace was built by José R. Rey y Besadre and opened in 1911 as an ice rink. It was circular, occupied the central hall and was surrounded by boxes and circles. The machines that made the ice現在多くの美術品を所有し、様々な展覧会を開催している「パレ・ド・グラス」(氷の宮殿)は、元々1911年にスケート場として建設された。リンク場特有の、円形のリンクの周りを観客席が取り囲むという形は、このリンク場が後々歩む事になった歴史に大きく寄与することになったに違いない。というのも1915年には、リンク場はダンスフロアへと改造され、その後はそこで多くの人々がタンゴを踊り、また著名な音楽家達へ演奏の場を提供してきたからである。




Palais de Glace
住所:1725 Posadas Street, Recoleta, Buenos Aires
開館時間:12:00〜20:00 (土日10:00から)
TEL:+54 11 4804 4324 / 1163

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine
for the ice rink where located in the basement. On the first floor there were some more boxes and there was a vaulted-ceiling cafeteria with a dome with a huge skylight – which is still there nowadays – meant to provide the ice rink with natural lighting.

In its early years the Palais de Glace was a central scenario for Tango, therefore, in 1915 the ice rink was turned into a dancing floor and welcomed some of the most important orchestras of the period.

Architect Alejandro Bustillo was in charge of the refurbishment of the building that began in 1931. Bustillo was also an artist himself, former winner of the first prize for painting awarded by the National Hall – an event that is traditionally held at the Palais – thus he maintained the original structure of the building and conveniently took advantage of its roundabouts in order to turn them into exhibition halls.

The Palais de Glace permanent collection comprises 1020 pieces: 273 paintings, 191 sculptures, 214 carvings, 95 drawings, 21 water colours, 77 photographs, 81 pieces of pottery, 57 textiles, 3 frescos and 8 new supports and fittings. It is mostly made up of prizes from the Visual Arts National Hall in addition to the frescos made by Alfredo Guido’s school in 1934 and other acquisitions and national and international donations.

Nowadays, as well as art exhibitions, a season of films called ‘Kino Palais’ is held at the Palais de Glace. In this season classical movies, Argentinean art films and weird international samples of German or French films, among others, can be watched.
For further information, it is advisable to contact the museum website where its current activities are constantly updated.

Palais de Glace
Address: 1725 Posadas Street, Recoleta, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 12:00-20:00 (Saturday and Sunday from 10:00)
Closed on Monday
Tel: +54 11 4804 4324 / 1163

Text: Celeste Najt
地址:1725 Posadas Street, Recoleta, Buenos Aires
时间:12:00-20:00 (星期六・星期日从10:00)
电话:+54 11 4804 4324 / 1163

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