ミテ・ギャラリーMite Galería

© Mite Galería
Mite a contemporary art gallery dedicated to young and emerging artists exhibition, opened its doors in July 2008 by Marina Alessio and Nicolás Barrazaマリア・アレッシオとニコラス・バラーザによって2008年に設立されたミテ・ギャラリー。設立以来、自身のキュレーションとゲストキュレーターを迎え、月替わりで若手作家の展覧会を開催し、その活動をサポートしている。
Mite Galería
住所:2729 Santa Fe Av., Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4822 9433
Text and translation: Gisella Lifchitz. Since then, they constantly showed monthly exhibitions, some of them curated by themselves, the directors, and the others by guest curators.
They have a permanent staff of twelve artists, most of them transit their first years in painting, photography and installation production.
Besides their main activity as an art gallery, they propose the space as a center of constant circulation and encounter. They produce different events, fairs, readings and little parties with the participation of DJs, designers, writers and artists of many disciplines.
Mite Galería
Address: 2729 Santa Fe Av., Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 15:00-20:00
Tel: +54 11 4822 9433
Text and translation: Gisella Lifchitz
Mite Galería
地址: 2729 Santa Fe Av., Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
时间: 15:00-20:00
电话:+54 11 4822 9433