
Find contemporary art exhibitions in Buenos Aires is becoming easier. A quite nice art world is already alive: MALBA Museum, Proa Foundation, The Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, and the art gallery circuitブエノスアイレスでは現代美術の展示を見るのが手軽になってきている。ブエノスアイレス・ラテンアメリカ美術館(MALBA)、プロア・ファウンデーション、アルゼンチン近代美術館、そしてアートギャラリー巡り。いくつか例を挙げたまでだがブエノスアイレス市民の好奇心を良い状態で保っている。
ここでは、ホールマークコレクションのチーフキュレーターや象徴的なカタログである「Optic Nerve: Perceptual Art of the 1960s」の著者を務めるジョン・ヒューストンによって伝えられた「A global exchange. Geometric abstraction since 1950s」を始めとする質の高い展覧会を見ることができる。ヒューストンは、美術館の常設コレクションから抜粋した作品群を観察し分析する視覚的なアートについての独自の理論を打ち立てている。これらの作品は国家的かつ国際的なアーティストたちによるものだ。
MACBA (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires)
住所:Av. San Juan 328, San Telmo, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11-5299-2010
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Ayami Ueda – just to mention a few- are keeping the curiosity of the public boiling.
MACBA is a the new museum of contemporary art in Buenos Aires , a venue where importante exhibitions of national and international art will be shown. MACBA opened its doors in september 1st 2012, in the neighborhood of San Telmo. Conceived with the desire to boost Argentinean cultural dynamism and dissemination of contemporary artistic expressions, MACBA continues to grow with the constant incorporation of works for its collection.
Here is possible to see high-quality-exhibitions, for example the inaugural one “A global exchange. Geometric abstraction since 1950s” was conducted by Joe Houston, chief curator of the Hallmark Collection and author of the emblematic catalogue “Optic Nerve: Perceptual Art of the 1960s”. Houston reveals his theories on optical art observing and analyzing a selection of works from the Museum’s permanent collection, of national and international artists .
Some of the talented artists of the permanent collection are Roberto Aizenberg, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Carmelo Arden Quinn, Carlos Cruz Diez, Cecilia Biagini, and many others.
The museum is located really close to Defensa Street where many antiques shops and nice Argentinian restaurants can be found and right beside MAMBA, another museum that worth to be visited.
MACBA (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires)
Address: Av. San Juan 328, San Telmo, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 19:00 (Closed on Tuesday)
Tel: +54 11 5299 2010
Text: Celeste Najt