エンリケ・ラレタ スペイン美術館Enrique Larreta Museum

© Enrique Larreta Museum
The Enrique Larreta Museum is surprising: a Rennaisance art Paradise surrounded by a magical Andalusian garden and hidden in a hectic, crowded area of Buenos Aires, Cabildo Avenue and Juramento Streetエンリケ・ラレタ美術館は驚きを与えてくれる場所だ。ルネッサンス期の美術品が集まる天国といった趣のこの美術館。西スペインのアンダルシア地方風の庭園に囲まれており、ブエノスアイレスの賑やかなカビルド通りとフーラメント通りの間にひっそりと隠れる様に佇んでいる。
Enrique Larreta Museum
住所:2291 Juramento Street, Belgrano, Buenos Aires
TEL: +54 11 4784 4040/ 4783 2640
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Yuki Mine.
As from its main entrance door, the spirit of the past reincarnated in this building built in 1886 can be felt. The house originally belonged to Enrique Rodriguez Larreta, an Argentinean writer, author of La gloria de don Ramiro, a highly representative piece of Hispanic-American modernism. Larreta was a member of an old wealthy family and he married one of the daughters of the most emblematic of the aristocratic families in Argentina, the Anchorenas. He studied Law, worked as a history professor and was ambassador to France.
The collection that gave birth to the Museum mainly comprised sculptures made of polychrome wood and paintings dating from the renaissance and baroque periods, together with a remarkable set of furniture, guns and decorative arts that furnished the different reception halls in the house.
The most outstanding pieces are the 1503 Retablo en honor a Santa Ana (an Altarpiece made to honour Santa Ana), an exponent of international gothic, the Retablo de la Sagrada Familia (Holy Family Altarpiece) by Sebastián Ducete, and Larreta’s portrait, made by Ignacio Zuloaga in Paris in 1912.
As well as offering a permanent exhibition, the museum holds temporary exhibitions, concerts, theatrical plays for children and adults, courses and workshops. Visiting the museum offers creative stimulation, relaxation and beauty, mainly present in its peculiar garden – or Andalusian Patio – an ideal place to enjoy reading surrounded by Spanish renaissance art and exotic plant species.
Enrique Larreta Museum
Address: 2291 Juramento Street, Belgrano, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 14:00-20:00 (Saturday, Sunday and Holiday from 10:00)
Tel: +54 11 4784 4040/ 4783 2640
Text: Celeste Najt