

© Laguanacazul

© Laguanacazul

Laguanacazul is located on Defensa street which connects May Square where is the presidential office and Dorrego square famous for the free Market of weekend. Laguanacazul handles 2 spacesラグアナカスールは、週末マーケットで賑わうサンテルモのドレゴ広場から大統領府のある五月広場を結ぶデフェンサ通りに位置する。地上階がショップで地下がアートギャラリースペースになっている。ショップウィンドーに描かれた、お腹を大きくした青いグアナカ(南米に生息するラクダの一種)が店のシンボルだ。




住所:Defensa 677, San Telmo, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 4342 9859

Text: Mami Goda
: a street level shop and downstairs gallery space. The markable blue pregnant lama guanaca (camelid native animal living in South America) painted on the shop window is the symbol of Laguanacazul.

Argentina’s traditional crafts objects such as warm woodworks, ceramics, llama wool blankets, leather products and various others are all made by hand. The hand painted ornaments, cotton colored accessories, and all the heartwarming indigena style objects colorfully display up the white wall shelves until the ceiling and make the shop warmer and cheerful.

After downing the stairs on the ground floor at the back, you reach the downstairs gallery space. The gallery handles not only Argentine important artists but also foreign talented artists. The gallery regularly organizes temporary exhibitions and performs and various cultural events. One of the most important purposes of Laguanacazul is to create a social communicative space between different kinds of culture. That means the place where art, theater, performance, concerts, dance, etc. can lively circulate each other and which is constantly moving forward to communicate with the audience.

Both store and gallery have commitment to style and quality. This is why we meet very attractive things and sometimes the best. You can check their products catalogue and gallery artists’ information online. The ongoing events are also available.

Address: Defensa 677, San Telmo, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 10:00-210:00
Tel: +54 11 4342 9859

Text: Mami Goda

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