
フォルタバット美術館Fortabat Museum

© The Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat Collection

© The Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat Collection

ブエノスアイレスは、革新的な建築デザインとアートシーンの広がりから、オルタナティブカルチャーの興味を惹く都市となっている。2008年11月に再開発の進む湾岸のプエルト・マデロ地区にオープンした、フォルタバット美術館Buenos Aires has an interesting range of cultural alternatives with the characteristic of having artistic options which are simultaneously within innovative architectural dimensions(アマリア・ラクロセ・デ・フォルタバット・コレクション)は、それを象徴するような施設だ。


アルゼンチンの貴族である、アマリア・フォルタバットのコレクションは、かの有名なウィリアム・ターナーの「ジュリエットと乳母」(1836年) をはじめ、ジュアン・レオン・パリエール、カルロス・モレル、プリリディアーノ・プエイレドンなど19世紀を代表するアルゼンチンの作家の絵画から、アントニオ・ベルニ、エミリオ・ペトルッティ、シュル・ソラル、アントニオ・ベルニ、ルイス・フェリペ・ノエ、フェルナンド・フェーダー、ホレイショ・バトラーなどのアルゼンチンの現代美術作品まで多岐に及んでいる。その驚くべきコレクションの数々は必見。

住所:141 Olga Cossettini Street, Puerto Madero East, Buenos Aires
入場料:$ 15
TEL:+54 (11) 4310 6600

Text: Celeste Najt
. The Fortabat Museum (Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat Collection) opened in November 2008 has been created with this aim in mind. The building was designed by architect Rafael Viñoly, who has chosen a vaulted metal and glass ceiling in order to achieve the highest sunlight income. The outside façade looks like an industrial factory in the future, made of concrete, steel and glass, with a surface of almost 7,000 m2. Inside, there are two huge exhibition rooms in the basement, a newspaper library, an auditorium, offices and cafeteria, all of which are covered by a glazed dome with a typical system of movable aluminium sunshades that open and close according to the position of the sun.

And there is a mixture of works of art that Mrs. Amalia de Fortabat, a member of the Argentinean aristocracy, has collected. The star of the Foundation is the famous ‘Juliet and her nurse’, by William Turner, painted in 1836, which is located in one of the extremes of the most important room. This painting is preceded in importance by The Census in Bethlehem by Peter Brueghel, which is the lady’s favourite masterpiece. And there are more names: the collection takes us from sublime painters of the 19th century — Prilidiano Pueyrredón, Carlos Morel and Juan Leon Pallière — to contemporary painters such as Antonio Berni, Xul Solar, Emilio Pettorutti, Romulo Macció, Felipe Noé and Rogelio Polesello, touching on those who were famous in the last century — Fernando Fader, Bernaldo de Quirós, Fortunato Lacámera and Horacio Butler.

Being the collection as classical as it is, it would have been interesting for the curator to come up with an astonishing presentation. Nevertheless, the works speak well for themselves and are worth looking at. Make the most of a day trip to Puerto Madero and visit the Collection.

Fortabat Museum (The Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat Collection)
Address: 141 Olga Cossettini Street, Puerto Madero East, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours : 12:00 – 21:00
Closed on Monday
Entrance Fee: $ 15-
Tel: +54 (11) 4310 6600

Text: Celeste Najt
地址:141 Olga Cossettini Street, Puerto Madero East, Buenos Aires
承认:$ 15
电话:+54 (11) 4310 6600

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