

Xoooox, 2008. Courtesy of <a href="" target="new">CircleCulture Gallery</a>

Xoooox, 2008. Courtesy of CircleCulture Gallery

「X」「O」のタグとファッションマガジンから抜け出たようなポージングの女の子のイメージで、ベルリン市内のストリートを飾る「XOOOOX」。Xoooox is one of the remarkable participants of Urban Affairs, whose work style is recognized with his use of tags combining letters “X”s and “O”s and girl figures from magazine clips, which can be found on the street all around Berlin.





1975年、ベルリン生まれ。1990年代中頃からコラージュに目覚め、アーティストとして活動を始める。ベルリンストリート、そして、パリ、ミラノ、ウィーン、ニューヨークで主にストリートアートを手掛け、2008年「アーバン・アフェアーズ – ストリートアート・ベルリン2008」に参加。

Text: Yurie Hatano, Mariko Takei

How did you start drawing in the current style? Could you tell us about the background? Where have you been based?

My background is the classical graffiti style. In 1999 I had a job where I had a card that gave me access to a photocopier, that’s when I began to experiment. Everything I had in my pockets I photocopied and pasted them together in a collage.

It seems that the street/urban art is getting all international attention, and it’s not that “underground” with many legal big events officially held. How do you feel about it? Also, please tell us about how you feel on the street art in Berlin now.

At the moment it is a big bubble which will hopefully burst very soon. It is blown up by media, advertising and book publishers that attracted a great deal of attention at street art. But you still have to develop your style of expression and it would be too easy to say “I stop doing street art, because of the trend”. Berlin has the typical street art spots with a lot of paste ups but I like more the classical writing scene with the huge street bombings and the masses of tags.

XOOOOX (*1975) has been a prolific graffiti artist since the mid 1990’s. Early experiments with collage gradually evolved into the artist’s signature stencil work, typically life-size figures or appropriated designer logos found predominately on the streets of Berlin and in Paris, Milan, Vienna, New York…

Text: Yurie Hatano, Mariko Takei

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