メラニー・カニオールMelanie Kanior

Melanie Kanior
Melanie Kanior is a fresh artist and designer, born in a train between Poland and Germany. She makes a kind of unique fashion pieces, painting on silk. Melanie has been living in Berlin for 29 yearsメラニー・カニオールはポーランドとドイツの間を走る電車の中で生まれた。新人アーティストでありデザイナーである彼女は、シルクにペイントするユニークなファッションアイテムを作っている。29年間ベルリン在住で、この都市の最高な暮らし方を熟知している彼女の言葉に耳を傾けてみよう。
ビールを求め、カフェ・シュバルツザウアー(Kastanienallee 13, Prenzlauer Berg)によく行きます。ここにはいつも違う人々がいて、細やかなサービスと独特な音楽があるシンプルで雰囲気のよい場所です。
フォス・バー(Grüntaler Straße 9, Wedding)では、豊富なビールと色々な言語と出会えます。本当に心地良く様々な文化がある場所です!
HAU(Hebbel am Ufer)の傍にあるゾーフィエンゼーレ(Sophienstraße 18, Mitte)は世界中のアーテイストたちが自由に舞台やダンス公演を行う興味深い劇場の一つです。私もゾーフィエンゼーレのバーテンダーとして、仕事がない時にはバーの後ろから情熱的な素晴らしい公演やパーティをたくさん見ました。
シュタットバット・ヴェディング(Gerichtstraße 65, Wedding)は、元プールだった場所で面白い展示や舞台、コンサートやパーティを行っている、今アーティストにとって一番おすすめの場所です。
Bフラット(Rosenthaler Strße 13, Mitte)はちょっとクールなジャズクラブです。
クラブ・デア・ポルニシェン・フェアザウガー (Ackerstraße 168, Mitte) は一風変わった公演を楽しめるポーランドの雰囲気があるとても素敵な場所です。
フィラ・ノウケルン(Herrmannstraße 233, Neukölln)はグラスワインを飲んだり、踊ったり、ただ友人と座っているだけでも居心地の良い場所です。
本当に美味しいファラフェル(中東のひよこ豆のコロッケ)やシャワルマ(ケバブの一種)を食べたいならナヒティガルインビス(Ohlauer Straße 10, Kreuzberg)に行くべき。最高のサービスと、とても美味しい料理があります!
ヘノヘノ(Kantstraße 65, Charlottenburg)は、2つのテーブルのみの小さな日本食レストランです。美味しい日本食が堪能できます!
買い物には、例えばフマナのような市内の至る所にあるそれぞれ違う古着屋へ好んで行きます。その理由は、私がヴィンテージの個性的なものをいつも探しているからです。私はスタイリングとファッションにとても関心がありますが、ファッションの流行を追うのは好きではありません。いつも私の気分と必要性に合わせて、自分のクローゼットから組み合わせています。ユーズド、ベルリン若手デザイナーの洋服、アートや手芸作品が手に入るマウアーパーク(Bernauer Straße 63-64, Mitte)のフレアマーケットで、全て豊富な色彩と一風変わった個性を持った宝のようなファッションアイテムを幾つか見つけました。そしてもちろん、自作のシルクドレスを着るのが大好きです。
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Momoko M, so she really knows how to live the city at its best, let´s pay attention to her words.
Please introduce yourself and your activity.
My name is Melanie Kanior, alias Melasilk. I’ve been living in Berlin for 29 years. I was born in a train from Warsaw to Berlin. I grew up in a polish family of artists in West Berlin.
My parents, mother musician, father engraver and brother graphic designer, brouhgt out the diverse world of art in me very early: music, specially jazz, literature, painting, theater, cinema all was accessible to me. I began to travel a lot around Europe as a young person. I’ve lived in France and Poland for a while, so I often came in touch with other cultures and traditions… But in the end, I can say, that I am a polish Berliner!
At the age of 12 I visited an exhibition of silk kimonos of Japanese artist Itchiku Kubota and I fell in love with that material and the unique kind of painting.
Since then, silk became my passion. I love fashion, so I decided to paint on silk for producing differents costumes and accessories. Silk is such a wonderful material, which is so enjoyable to wear. I love to combine this special material, which has such a long tradition and history, with strong colors and diverse modern motifs…
How do you feel about being a designer in Berlin?
It’s not so easy to answer this question because silkpainting is not a kind of design which is current or modern. Most of the people that I met don’t understand that my silk costumes are really self painted, because most people associate silkpainting with the silkpainting of the 80 s, that means: ugly kitsch, tacky stuff like big flowers or horses or sunsets in fluent colors or batik design… something out, what is in fact in! Silk has to be newly-discovered.
Could you tell us about your city? What do you think about it?
Berlin is a city which is always in change. I find the current changes in Berlin rather annoying, because it is loosing more and more of its image of an artistic alternative place where all the different ways of life can live together in an everlasting exchange. The reality is another: much less space, rising rental prices, artistic and cultural places disappear, but on the other side: because of these changes people are newly motivated to find new art-projects, ideas, creative places, where one can inspire the other. What I appreciate about Berlin is that there is so much green spaces, a multicultural atmosphere and a really creative scene…
On what are you currently working?
I work currently in a new silk collection, which will be on one hand funky, fresh and sexy and on the other hand dark and mystic … There is still so much to discover, so many different procedures to paint and to dye silk… I am always at the beginning… I would like to produce more home accessories too like a paravant or a lamp or a big room silk installation…
Please tell us about your favourite places in Berlin (to eat, shop, going out, etc).
I live in Prenzlauer Berg, close to Wedding and Mitte, so I’m often bound for these three districts with my bike…
For a beer, I go to Café Schwarzsauer (Kastanienallee 13, Prenzlauer Berg), there is always different people, nice service and individual music … simply a good vibe.
In the Fos Bar (Grüntaler Straße 9, Wedding) you have a variety of beer and languages. It’s a really comfortable and multicultural place!
The Sophiensaele (Sophienstraße 18, Mitte) besides the HAU (Hebbel am Ufer) is one of the most interesting stage for free theatre and dance scene for artists from all over the world. Here I already saw many crazy and wonderful performances and parties, when I don’t no work behind the bar as one of the Sophiensaele barmaids.
Stattbad Wedding (Gerichtstraße 65, Wedding), an ancient indoor swimming pool, is now a great place for artists, where you can go for an interesting exhibition, performance, concert or party.
B-flat (Rosenthaler Strße 13, Mitte) is a little cool Jazz club.
Club der polnischen Versager (Ackerstraße 168, Mitte), is a very nice place with eccentric performances and a polish ambiance.
Villa Neukölln (Herrmannstraße 233, Neukölln) is such a comfortable and great place for drinking a glass of wine, dancing or simply sitting around with friends.
When you want to eat a really good Falafel or Shawarma you have to go to Nachtigall Imbiss (Ohlauer Straße 10, Kreuzberg), nice service and very good food!
Heno Heno (Kantstraße 65, Charlottenburg) is a little Japanese restaurant with only two tables inside. Delicious japanese food!
For shopping, I prefer to go to the different Second Hand shops that you can find everywhere in the city like for example Humana, because I always search for unique pieces in the vintage department. I’m very interested in styling and fashion, but I don’t like to go with a fashion trend. I prefer to combine my own wardrobe according to my needs and my mood. I’ve already found some fashion treasures on the flea market in Mauerpark (Bernauer Straße 63-64, Mitte), where you can find second hand stuff, fashion of young Berlin designers, art and handmade things. Everything is very colorfull, crazy and unique as well. And of course, I love to wear my own silk dresses, which will never be out of fashion :)
Text: Celeste Najt