ソーヤ・コスプレSoya Cosplay

© Martin Dobbeck
Soya Cosplay is definitely one of the best places to have Chinese food in Berlin. It is located quite close to Friedrichschain in an outstanding and glamorous 3-stage buildingソーヤ・コスプレはベルリンで最高においしい中華料理が食べられるレストランの一つ。フリードリヒスハインのすぐ近くの、魅力的で目を引く3階建てのビルにある。店内の装飾は素晴らしく、大きなアート作品と美しい木製のランプにより北欧とアジアを巧みにミックスした均衡あるスタイルに仕上がっている。典型的なレストランの持つ雰囲気とは異なるため店に入るときに少し戸惑ってしまうかもしれないが、途端にモダンな雰囲気と驚く程の素晴らしい料理に夢中になるだろう。
Soya Cosplay
住所:Jägerstrasse 59-6, 10117 Berlin Mitte
TEL:+49 (30) 2062 9093
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Akari Otomo. The decoration is astounding: Huge art pieces and a beautiful installation of wood lamps create a balanced style, as a result of a very elegant mix of Nordic and Asiatic touchs. You might feel a little bit disoriented when entering the place: the ambiance is not the typical for this kind of restaurant, but you will certainly enjoy the intimate, modern atmosphere, and the unbelievable food.
Sublime combinations served in little portions will make you travel through your palate. No less than 5 dishes should be ordered, to understand what is all about: Scharf suppe –hot and sour soup with prawns, shiitake and enoki mushrooms- ; the Shangai Chinese dumplings; King Crab with thousand year old eggs, lime and tomato; Peking duck pancake, leek and cucumber; baby calamari with sellery and lemon leef are just a few of the best options you can choose from. They have an generous list of wines and a drink list, which also includes non-alcoholic options such as the delicious home made Lychee lime ginger ale.
Don’t hesitate in visit Soya Cosplay, it will be an unforgettable experience.
Soya Cosplay
Address: Jägerstrasse 59-6, 10117 Berlin Mitte
Opening Hours: 12:00 – 24:00 (Sunday from 17:00)
Tel: +49 (30) 2062 9093
Text: Celeste Najt