
ベトツォウ・プリヴァBotzow Privat

第一次世界大戦以前(1864年〜1921年)のベルリンで有数の醸造所だったベトツォウは、その製品を広めるためにベルリン市内に数軒のパブを運営The previous Brewery Bötzow used to be one of the best breweries in Berlin pre WW1 (1864-1921). As part of their distribution they owned several pubs in town. The only one remaining intact is Bötzow Privat in Berlin Mitte.

It is perhaps also the best preserved original pub from around the turn of the century in Berlin with an amazing crafted interior. Dark wooden panels, handcrafted glass, old photos and a fresh interpretation of the German kitchen makes place the perfect spot for a lunch whether you are visiting or a local resident.

In the evening the room gets crowded as people poor in for drinks until closing time which in the weekends extends to around 2pm. The story goes that when the current owners took over the bar around 4-5 years ago it was still a typical pub for a few local people serving tab beer.

The ending of the tab beer and installation of a menu card was to attempt gain a new clientele. Its a very cosy place to hang out or read some of the several international magazines they keep. The service is extremely friendly for Berlin and the current regular chef is extraordinarily skilled.

There’s a daily menu special, a selection of some 8-10 a la carte opportunities (with the typical south German “Wiener Schnitzel”, “Käsepätzle”(cheese pasta) or “Rinderfilet” (veal) and a good small selection of wines. For a South-german beer test the “Tegernseer Bier” which is one of the best around. If you have luck and the regular chef is in the kitchen be sure to order the full row of salads and desserts as they can be truly amazing even if very simple ingredients.

If the replacement chef is in the kitchen you will be able to taste this as the simple courses turn into the typical tasteless Berlin-style dish. Prices are slightly higher than elsewhere but worth it.

Botzow Privat
Address: Tucholskystraße 47, Ecke Linienstraße, 10115 Berlin, Mitte
Open: 9:30-25:00
price: Menu ( 3,50 bis 14,50 EUR), lunch 4,50 EUR
Tel: +49 28 09 53 90, 0177-465 52 51

Text: R.T.Hansen





Botzow Privat
住所:Tucholskystraße 47, Ecke Linienstraße, 10115 Berlin, Mitte
料金:メニュー 3,50〜14,50 EUR/ランチ 4,50 EUR
TEL:+49 28 09 53 90, 0177-465 52 51

Text: R.T.Hansen
Translation: Shiori Saito
Botzow Privat
地址:Tucholskystraße 47, Ecke Linienstraße, 10115 Berlin, Mitte
率:菜单 3,50〜14,50 EUR/午餐 4,50 EUR
电话:+49 28 09 53 90, 0177-465 52 51

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