Anselm Reyle, left: Life Enigma, 2008. right: Untitled, 2008. Photo: Noshe
In the heart of Berlin a bunker (air defense fortification) towers over its surroundings. During the Second World War a huge concrete structure was built that now has become an art gallery displaying private collectionsベルリンの中心部にそびえ立つブンカー(防空要塞)。第二次世界大戦中に建てられた巨大なコンクリートの建造物は現在個人コレクションを展示する美術館となっている。コレクターは広告代理店を経営するクリスティアン・ボロス。彼は2008年に自身の現代アートコレクションを見せるために美術館をオープンさせた。
住所:Reinhardtstr. 20, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
営業時間:金曜日 14:00〜18:00, 土・日曜日 10:00〜18:00(要予約)
TEL:+49 30 2759 4065
入場料:10 EUR
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi. Christian Boros is an art collector who manages an advertising firm. In 2008, in order to let his personal art collection be seen, he opened the art gallery.
According to their policy of purchasing only current influential arts, they collect works of art by artists active during the 1990s. In particular, a lot of Olafur Eliasson’s work has been exhibited. His installations using bright lights bring the exhibition hall an almost sombre ambiance. Also, the work of currently active international artists such as Chris Martin, Sarah Lucas, Rirkrit Thira Vernier, Bock Yorn, etc, has been showcased inside the bunker.
As attractive as the art collection, the massive bunker is even more appealing for the way it is carved into the history of Berlin. During the Second World War, 2000 people could be protected from the air raids by the solid walls of the building. In the post war period, rather than be destroyed, it has appeared in various scenes of Berlin’s history. Immediately after the war it was used by the Soviet army as a prisoner of war camp, when Germany was divided into East and West, it was used by East Germany to store tropical fruit. When Germany was reunited the bunker was used as a techno club. These recollections within a rough concrete wall, heavy pillars and highly pressurised feelings give a powerful atmosphere to the space. It seems as if the displayed modern art works are confronted by the powerful art of the bunker.
Currently (Feb 2012), the art gallery is open just for the weekends; admission is possible by reserving a place on a guided tour. The guides are being prepared in English and German; it is also possible to look around the large building while listening to the guide’s explanation. It is certainly a decent weekend option to look at contemporary art while fully enjoying the vast building.
Address: Reinhardtstr. 20, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Open Hours: Friday 14:00-18:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00-18:00 (pre-booking required)
Tel: +49 30 2759 4065
Admission: 10 Euros
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi
Translation: Atsuka Fukaya