ベルリン文化フォーラムKulturforum Berlin

© Kulturforum Berlin
If you are willing to contemplate art, Berlin is a city that probably can fulfil your expectations. The Neue Nationalgalerie, The Gemäldegalerie, The Museum of Decorative Arts, The Museum for Musicもしあなたが芸術作品を鑑賞する興味をもっているなら、ベルリンはおそらくあなたの期待を満たすことができる都市だ。新ナショナルギャラリー、絵画館、美術工芸博物館、楽器博物館、版画美術館、ベルリンフィルハーモニー、イベロ・アメリカ研究所、国立図書館、聖マテウス教会を擁した文化フォーラムは、ドイツの最も重要な文化遺産の一つである。
Kulturforum Berlin
住所:Matthäikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin
TEL:+49 (0)30 2664 24242
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Junji Uchida, The Museum of Graphic Arts, The Philharmonie, The Chamber Music Hall, The Ibero- American Institute, The Art Library and The Church of Parish St. Matthäus, conform the Kulturforum, one of the most important cultural sites of Germany.
As the cultural centre of former West Berlin, the Kulturforum played an important part in the city´s postwar history. Highly promoted, and located near the Berlin Wall, it was also a political symbol of West Berlin´s growth and vitality in hard times. Its urban design is still in line with the original plans of architect Hans Scharoun in the 1960s. In the ´60s, Potsdamer Platz and the octagonal Leipziger Platz, which were not renovated until the 1990s, were wasteland ruthlessly divided in half by the Wall. Thus the Kulturforum site, more than many other places in Berlin, is a testimony to the period before German reunification, which is why a visit to the area is a fascinating leap in time.
Just talking a walk around the kulturforum is quite enough to enrich yourself because of its beautiful architectural pieces such as Mies van der Rohe´s Neue National Galerie, or the Philarmonie, oeuvre of the great Scharoun. Right next to the area you can find Postdamer Platz, full of modern skycrapers and shops, nice to see, but not so wonderful as the Kulturforum.
Kulturforum Berlin
Address: Matthäikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin
Open: 10:00-18:00 (Tursday till 20:00)
Closed on Monday
Tel: +49 (0)30 2664 24242
Text: Celeste Najt