

Photos: GlogauAIR, Katerina Valdivia Bruch, Simonetta Fadda, Sarah Newman

Photos: GlogauAIR, Katerina Valdivia Bruch, Simonetta Fadda, Sarah Newman

近代美術センターGlogauAIRは、ベルリンのクロイツベルクの中心地にある公園と運河の間に位置する。以前は学校であったこの建物は、GlogauAIR is an international meeting point for the visual arts. Its aim is to support and encourage contemporary artistic creation, research and debate.

One of GlogauAIR’s main activities is its Artist in Residence Programme. The purpose of this programme is to offer a platform to promote the exchange of artistic discourses from artists with different artistic backgrounds and from different geographical origins. The programme is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas in order to broaden creative horizons and to offer the possibility of internationalising the individual projects of the resident artists. By encouraging this cultural diversity, we also hope to be able to update the debate between the artists themselves and between other professionals from the art world and the general public.

GlogauAIR considers art as a dynamic social force that is capable of inspiring individuality and of defining groups. Our Artist in Residence Programme also includes exhibitions, lectures, seminars and other activities.Constant transformation has always been a driving force behind Berlin and its inhabitants. Based on this spirit of change, GlogauAIR offers complimentary programmes to stimulate the exchange of ideas between different social groups.The programme as a whole encourages the artistic expression of both emerging and consolidated artists.

New technologies, new ways of accessing to information and the broadening of ways of expressing visual art have led to a complex mixture of artistic discourses which reflect the societies in which they originate. Direct exchange in the artistic field and the discovery of reciprocal influences are necessary for the development and understanding between artists, the arts and societies. For this reason, GlogauAIR emphasizes exchange agreements with institutions and other cultural centres, which offer financial funding for creative programmes for visual artists.

GlogauAIR also believes in art as a tool for economic and social development. The centre works both with public and private institutions at an international level in order to create a network of collaboration for the developing of the arts.

Address: Glogauerstrasse 16 10999 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 6122275




住所:Glogauerstrasse 16 10999 Berlin
TEL:+49 30 6122275

Text: Peta Jenkin
Translation: Fumi Nakamura
地址:Glogauerstrasse 16 10999 Berlin
电话:+49 30 6122275

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