エスター・シッパーEsther Schipper

Pierre Huyghe, INFLUANTS, 2011. Installation views Esther Schipper, Berlin. Photo: Andrea Rossetti © Esther Schipper
Esther Schipper – a gallery that oversees numerous famous contemporary artists, first appeared in Cologne, Germany in 1989. In 1994, the art space next established itself in Berlin’s Mitte borough as Schipper und Chrome多くの著名な現代美術のアーティストを取り扱うギャラリー、エスター・シッパーは1989年にケルンで立ち上げられた。1994年からはベルリンのミッテ地区にシッパー・アンド・クロームの名前でスペースを構え、現在はギャラリストの名前を冠したギャラリーでベルリンのアート・シーンを牽引する。2011年4月に、ポツダマー通り界隈にスペースを移したが、まだ発展途上であるこの地域に新しいエネルギーを吹き込み、多くの来訪者をもたらしたのは、エスター・シッパーが持つアート・ワールドでの影響力と彼らが扱うアーティストの素晴らしさからだろう。
Esther Schipper
住所:Schöneberger Ufer 65, 10785 Berlin
TEL:+49 30 3744 33133
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi. Now, bearing the gallerist’s name, Esther Schipper leads the Berlin art scene. In April 2011, the gallery moved to the up-and-coming Potsdamer Strasse neighborhood, and it was probably Esther Schipper’s influence in the art world and its roster of impressive artists that helped bring in fresh air and new energy into this developing area of the city.
Esther Schipper’s registry of artists boasts an all-star lineup of contemporary artists who hold exhibitions at world-class museums and participates in large biennales all across the globe. In 2010, the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin showcased an exhibit of Thomas Demand’s photographs that linked history with individual perspectives. In 2006, Carsten Höller transformed the Tate Modern into a giant amusement park, and converted the Hamburger Bahnhof Museum for Contemporary Art into a zoo in 2010. He similarly created an alternative space in the Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall in 2008. Eminent artists like Pierre Huyghe, Liam Gillick, and Gabriel Kuri, who have participated in major Biennales like the Venice Biennale and Documenta, are also scheduled to hold exhibitions at Esther Schipper.
If you want to catch works of the highest international caliber in Berlin, Esther Schipper is a must visit; you will undoubtedly get to view works by world-renowned artists.
Esther Schipper
Address: Schöneberger Ufer 65, 10785 Berlin
Open Hours: 11:00-18:00 (Closed on Sunday and Monday)
Tel: +49 30 3744 33133
Text: Kiyohide Hayashi
Translation: Makiko Arima