
© Direktorenhaus
This art venue, opened in Berlin in 2010, explores Gesamtkunstwerk, i.e. the total work of art. Direktorenhaus is a venue for the traditional arts and crafts but also for digital and analog mediums2010年にベルリンにオープンしたアート全般を取り扱うスペース「ディレクターズハウス」。伝統的な美術や工芸からデジタルやアナログな作品まで幅広く展開している。
住所:Am Krögel 2, 10179 Berlin
TEL:+49 (0)30 2759 5586
Text: Jovan Velkoski
Translation: Mariko Takei.
The exhibitions are not meant to contrast each other or cancel each other but rather to be experienced in a context where they will socially resonance with each other, tearing down preconceptions of difference between art and design.
Das Direktorenhaus built 1935, served as safe storage during the second world war of artworks from the Berlin’s State Museums collection. Besides the exhibition halls it also has exhibition shop, club room and bar.
Pascal Johanssen and Katja Kleiss, founders of the non-profit organization Illustrative manage the Direktorenhaus and host the Illustrative festival, a significant forum for illustration and graphic arts.
The Direktorenhaus continues to serve as a venue for projects that challenge and create debate surrounding the notion of “neocraft art versus design”.
Adress: Am Krögel 2, 10179 Berlin
Opening Hours: 11:00-19:00 (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: +49 (0)30 2759 5586
Text: Jovan Velkoski