
ベスト・ショップ・ベルリンBest Shop Berlin

多くのコンセプトストアが自らをあまりにもシリアスに考える中、スミ・ハが運営するこの「ベスト・ショップ・ベルリン」は、オープンマインドな姿勢を貫いているOther than many concept stores taking themselves too seriously the Best Shop, with its owner Sumi Ha, celebrates “open mindness” far away from praising an “anything goes”.

There is no strict concept to follow, but a few guide lines to be applied to each individual decision. For example you won’t find big brands or major labels in the store unless they make interesting products, such as Umbro by Kim Jones or other good limited editions.

You won’t find whole collections, but usually a few selected items. Sumi Ha is open to suggestions or newcomers. As long as she believes in them, she doesnt care about prizes won or mentions got.

She also tries to fulfill the difficult crossover between innovative fashion and street wear in the same shop. This crossover is also presented in the shops own label nonkonform, which is remarkable through its multifunctional items and the artful allover prints.

Sumi Ha features Berlin based labels she likes, but at the same time she brings labels from abroad to Berlin. Labels hard to find, some of them exclusively. A special focus lies on Scandinavia, as she thinks that quite a lot good stuff is being produced up there: Helle Mardahl, Henrik Vibskov or Eksempel just to mention a few.

This diversity is quite attractive to customers, creates a microcosm they can explore and where they discover new designers, new music, books and other things. From time to time they have special events such as exhibitions, DVD and record label presentations.

Since this year Sumi Ha organizes as well a new fashion tradeshow, the IDEAL Berlin. IDEAL offers a platform for international avantgarde and high-fashion Labels, where they can present themselves professionally in a relaxing and private atmosphere, far away from the commercial mainstream.

Best Shop Berlin
Address: Alte Schoenhauser Strasse 6, D-10119 Berlin
Open: 12:00-20:00 (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: +49 30 24 63 24 85

例えば、ここでは有名ブランドは扱わない。ただし「UMBRO BY KIM JONES」など彼女自身が魅力ある製品だと認めたものは例外だ。また、ここでは特定のラインのコレクションが全部置かれることはない。その中の厳選されたアイテムのみが並ぶのだ。




2008年からはスミ・ハがオーガナイズするファッション・トレードショー「IDEAL Berlin」も開かれるようになった。IDEALでは世界各国のハイファッション・ブランドが、商業的なメインストリームから離れて心地よく親しみやすい雰囲気の中、製品のプレゼンテーションを行うことができる。

Best Shop Berlin
住所:Alte Schoenhauser Strasse 6, D-10119 Berlin
TEL:+49 30 24 63 24 85

Translation: Shiori Saito

地址:Alte Schoenhauser Strasse 6, D-10119 Berlin
电话:+49 30 24 63 24 85

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