

ルルは、北京在住の若きモーション/グラフィック・デザイナー。多くのクライアントワークを獲得し活躍中の彼女だが、個人的な創作活動も積極的に行っている。Lulu is a young motion/graphic designer based in Beijing. She is a very active designer with so many works with clients, but she is also active with her own work as well.






ライトニング・ベイブの作品は、ポスター、アニメ風壁紙、MSN PCのための顔文字、クッション、フィギュア、そしてラグ、セーターまで、様々なメディアをカバーしています。




Cao Chang Di」は、見るべきものが多くある最新の場所です。たくさんの人々がここのスタジオスペースを少しでも借りようとしていたり、またはスタジオを建てて他のアーティストに貸したりしている、というような場所です。


仕事場と寝る場所が同じなので、仕事をしながら遊んでますね。ラップトップでお気に入りのDVDを見ながら、他のコンピューターでデザインをしたり… もし家で仕事をしてなければ“コンピューターから離れ中”というバックプリントのあるTシャツを着て、散歩に行きます。足が動くままにどこでも行ってしまうんですよ。

TEL:+86 136 8302 6373

Text: Kyoko Tachibana
Traslation: Junko Isogawa

Please tell us about yourself.

Lulu. I am a graphic artist, more like a visual artist I would say. Currently freelancing in Beijing.
I was born in ShangDong, I studied art.1996 I moved to Beijing till now. I worked in south east Asia for a while then move back to Beijing. I started work as motion graphic designer since 1998.

What do you think of your activity in Beijing?

I think it’s positive step for myself.

Tell us about your recent work like videos and graphics and etc. Can you explain each works?

Lightning Babe project is a personal project I am working on at the moment. Lightning Babe is created based on the 1950’s Chinese female gymnastics figure, but designed with a modern twist.
In the 1950’s, when my mom was a very young woman, her dress, hairstyle, green uniform, scarlet cheeks, energetic voice and music, all became vivid memories of my childhood. See more
Works with Lightning Babe range from posters, animated wallpaper for projections, and emoticons for MSN PC (get your own copy from, cushions, figures, to even rugs and sweaters… Which covered many media.

How is the art scene in Beijing? With the active work of 798 art district, it seems hotter and hotter these days.

Yes it seems hotter, and more touristy too. Big buses full of tourists pull up and pour out foreigners with cameras flashing. I don’t know much about art scene in Beijing. I don’t know where this is heading either. I guess this makes more people see more art, talk about more art, sell more art, make more art, comsume more art… If this is the right logic.

Can you recommend us any hot places apart from 798?

Cao Chang Di maybe is newest place with lot of attraction. I see a lot of people searching every inch of Cao Chang Di trying for studio space or to build a studio and sublet to other artists.

What do you do usually when you are not working?

I work and sleep in the same space, so work and play all merge together..I will be watching my favorite DVDs on my laptop at the same time designing on another computer. If i am not working at home I will put on a t shirt with “I am actually away from my computer” printed on my back and walk around, go wherever my feet take me.

Tel: +86 136 8302 6373

Text: Kyoko Tachibana

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